• National Pasty Week - 1

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 17:30:16
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: St Edmund's Pasty
    Categories: Pastry, Beef, Vegetables, Potatoes
    Yield: 7 servings

    2 tb Olive Oil
    1 lg Onion; rough chopped
    2 cl Garlic; crushed
    4 Springs thyme
    250 g Beef mince
    1 md Potato; diced
    1 lg Carrot; diced
    1 tb Flour
    500 ml Beef stock
    Salt & pepper
    Parsley; chopped
    1/2 c Peas; thawed
    500 g Short crust pastry; ready
    - roll
    1 lg Egg; beaten

    Mix meat, vegetables and salt in large bowl; moisten
    with beef stock and divide into 6-8 portions; set aside.

    Divide pastry into 6 (large) or 8 (medium) equal pieces;
    roll each into a large circle, about 1/4" thick.

    On one half of each circle, place equal amount of
    meat-veg mixture.

    Carefully lift and fold pastry over filling (half
    circle); moisten edges of pastry with water & pastry
    brush; use a fork to crimp the edges to prevent liquid
    (added later) from oozing out. If there is a thin edge
    of crust, fold it over on itself to make a nice crust.

    Transfer each pasty to a large baking sheet.

    With a paring knife, poke a hole straight into JUST the
    top crust, shaped like an X, each leg should be about a
    half-inch long, then fold the little corners back (like
    a flower).

    Melt butter and water in the microwave; pour equal
    amounts into each pasty (through the little flower-hole
    you've created in the previous step).

    More butter-water can be added about half-way through
    the baking, if you didn't use it all at this point.

    Brush tops of pasties with the milk.

    Pop it all into the oven; bake for one hour; tops should
    be GOLDEN BROWN (you won't be able to let them in there
    much longer anyway--as the aroma is BEYOND this world!).

    Serve with gravy made from the stock & a bit of milk;
    add your favorite herbs (thyme & tarragon are our
    favorites); just heat the soup & milk, sprinkle in the
    herbs & spoon over the pasty or into the little hole.

    ALSO -- you might want to let these "rest" for a few
    minutes before eating---the insides will be VERY hot!

    YIELD: 6 - 8 pasties

    RECIPE FROM: https://stedmundsbutchers.co.uk

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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