AL DENTE PASTA: Getting pasta just right isn't hard, but you do need
good quality dried pasta. Cheaper versions are made with inferior flour
and just go soggy. Allow 75–100g (3–4oz) pasta per person. Bring a
large pan of water (at least 3 liters/5 pints) up to the boil with 1
tbsp salt. When it's up to a rolling boil, add the pasta, cover
briefly, give it a stir, then leave until it is still firm to the bite
– check the pack instructions for timings. Drain immediately when ready.
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Pappardelle w/Scallops & Pesto
Categories: Seafood, Pasta, Vegetables, Nuts, Condiments
Yield: 4 Servings
300 g Flour
3 lg Eggs
pn Salt
20 Fresh basil leaves
20 Flat leaf parsley
3 Cloves garlic
50 g Pine nuts; (2oz)
1 Wine glass of extra virgin
-olive oil
Salt & pepper
200 g Small scallops or large ones
- halved
2 tb Extra virgin olive oil
4 tb Tomato concasse
24 sm Sprigs fresh dill
Olive oil
Salt & pepper
Make the pasta in the usual way and cut it into 2.5 x
7.5cm strips with a pastry cutter.
Mix together all the ingredients for the pesto and process
in a food processor until it is a paste.
Saute the scallops in the olive oil and season with salt
and pepper. Toss the scallops with 2 large tbsp of pesto.
Cook the pasta until al dente, strain and toss with the
scallops and pesto. Serve at once, decorated with tomato
concasse and small sprigs of dill.
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never admit it.
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