• 12/14 Bully Base Day - 1

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Thursday, December 14, 2023 12:45:00
    December 14 - National Bouillabaisse Day

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Bouillabaisse Marseillaise (Marseille Fish Soup)
    Categories: Seafood, Vegetables, Herbs, Wine
    Yield: 7 Servings

    1/2 c Olive oil
    3 md Onions; chopped fine
    5 lg Tomatoes; peeled, chopped
    2 cl Garlic; minced
    1 Turkish bay leaf
    1 ts Salt
    1 ts Saffron
    1/2 ts Pepper
    3 lb Assorted fish; (at least 3
    - different varieties)
    2 qt Boiling water
    1 Lobster; in sm. pieces
    1 lb Shrimp; shelled & cleaned
    1 c White wine

    The dish requires certain fish that are obtainable only in
    France. However, even with substitutes, you will find it
    excellent and unique.

    In a large casserole heat the oil. Add the onions,
    tomatoes and garlic. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes,
    stirring occasionally. Add the bay leaf, salt, saffron,
    pepper, fish and boiling water. The more different kinds
    of fish you have, the better the results will be. Add the
    lobster and cook for 10 minutes. Add the shrimp and wine,
    stir gently so as not to break up the fish and cook for 10
    more minutes. Correct the seasoning, bearing in mind that
    the dish should be fairly spicy.

    Prepare individual soup plates for each person. Place
    pieces of fish, lobster and shrimp in each plate and pour
    the soup on top. Serve with toasted French bread.

    For 6 to 8 people

    From: http://www.cooks.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... BP buys out Darden's seafood chain, renaming it "Brown Lobster."

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