• 10/7 Nat Pierogi Day - 2

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Sunday, October 08, 2023 06:11:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Polish Pierogi
    Categories: Pasta, Potatoes, Cheese, Sauces, Dairy
    Yield: 12 Servings

    4 c All-purpose flour
    2 lg Eggs
    1/2 c Sour cream
    1 ts Salt
    2/3 c Warm water

    MMMMM-----------------------POTATO FILLING----------------------------
    3 md Potatoes; cooked, drained,
    - mashed
    1/2 md Onion
    1/4 c Butter
    Salt & pepper

    MMMMM-----------------------CHEESE FILLING----------------------------
    1 lb Dry cottage cheese
    2 lg Eggs; beaten
    1/2 ts Salt
    1/4 c Butter

    1 lg Onion; chopped
    1/2 c Butter

    Dough: Mix flour, eggs, sour cream, salt, and water,
    a little at a time. Knead dough until firm and
    elastic; Cover and let rest 10 minutes.

    Potato Filling: Prepare potatoes, set aside.

    Cheese Filling: Combine ingredients and mix.

    Sauce: Saute onion in butter until golden.

    Assembly: Divide dough into three parts. On a
    floured surface roll dough to about 1/8" thick;
    cut into 3" rounds. Place a small spoonful of the
    filling in the center of each round, fold and press
    the edges together firmly to seal.

    Drop the pierogi in simmering chicken bouillon with 1
    teaspoon of oil. Do not crowd. Simmer for 15 minutes,
    stirring gently to prevent sticking. Remove with a
    slotted spoon and drain well.

    Place the drained pierogi in a casserole and pour
    sauce mixture over all. Garnish with mushrooms.

    From: http://www.recipesource.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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