• 2/16 Nat'l Almond Day -1

    From Dave Drum@1:275/100 to All on Monday, February 14, 2022 14:23:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Marzipan (Almond Paste)
    Categories: Five, Candies, Nuts, Citrus
    Yield: 1 Servings

    1/2 lb Almond paste
    1 md Egg white
    1 tb White Karo syrup
    3/4 Box powdered sugar
    ds Lemon flavoring

    Place almond paste in bowl and knead, add egg white and
    mix well. Add powdered sugar until consistency of very
    soft dough. Add Karo and flavoring. Add enough sugar so
    that dough is sticky, but does not stick to your fingers.
    Keep covered with damp cloth.

    Color to suit fruit or vegetable you plan to make. Roll
    3/4" in diameter and cut into 1 1/4" pieces. Use powdered
    sugar to keep from sticking to board and fingers.

    PEARS: Yellow - form and add whole clove at bottom.
    Fleck lightly with brown.

    PEACHES: Yellow - form, crease one side with knife
    blade. Shade red.

    BANANA: Yellow - form, fleck lightly with brown. Shade
    end lightly with green.

    ORANGES: Orange - form, roll in sieve to roughen &
    resemble orange skins

    CARROTS: Orange - form, crease at intervals with knife

    APPLES: Delicate green - form, indent top. Add whole
    clove at bottom. Shade red - can add artificial leaf
    at top stem end.

    STRAWBERRIES: Red - form, indent top, roll in red

    NEW POTATOES: Uncolored marzipan - form, press "eyes"
    into each - roll in sugar mixed with cocoa.

    WATERMELON: Form thin oval of green, thin oval of white
    of same size. Place white over green. Form oblong roll
    of red, roll up in the green and white ovals. Let dry.
    Slice and add "seeds" with black food coloring applied
    with a toothpick.

    NOTE: Do not use the liquid food coloring you buy at the
    supermarket. Use cake decorator coloring that comes in a
    little jar. It can be purchased from Wilton's or other
    cake decorator suppliers.

    From The Cookie-Lady's Files

    From: http://www.recipesource.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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