• $tarbucks Kopy Kats - 5

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Saturday, September 16, 2023 13:42:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Starbucks Pink Drink
    Categories: Beverages, Fruits, Dairy
    Yield: 1 servings

    MMMMM------------------------SIMPLE SYRUP-----------------------------
    1 c Water
    2 c Sugar

    1 ts Bag Tazo Passion Herbal Tea
    2 tb Simple syrup
    1/2 c White grape juice
    3 tb Coconut milk
    2 tb Chopped fresh strawberries

    SIMPLE SYRUP PREPRATION Prepare simple syrup by placing
    1 cup of water and 2 cups of sugar into a saucepan. Heat
    on medium-high just until mixture begins to boil, stir
    occasionally while the syrup heats. Stir until the sugar
    has dissolved. It is best if you allow the simple syrup
    to cool off before you make the drink.

    TEA PREPARATION Prepare 1 bag of tea by adding 8 ounces
    of boiling water. Allow tea to steep for five minutes.
    It is best if you allow the tea to cool off before you
    make the drink.

    PINK DRINK Add 2 tablespoons of simple syrup to a glass,
    add 1/2 cup tea to the glass. Add 1/2 cup white grape
    juice to the glass. Stir well.

    Add ice to the glass. Add 3 tablespoons of coconut milk
    and mix gently. Add chopped strawberries and serve

    Author: Stephanie Manley

    RECIPE FROM: https://copykat.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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