February 12: National Plum Pudding Day
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Martha Washington's Plum Pudding
Categories: Desserts, Fruits, Booze, Citrus, Beef
Yield: 6 Servings
MMMMM--------------------OLD FARMER'S ALMANAC-------------------------
2 1/2 lb Prunes
1 1/2 lb Raisins
3/4 c Brandy
2 ts Cinnamon
1/2 ts Cloves
1 ts Allspice
2 ts Mace
1 1/2 ts Nutmeg
1 lb Beef suet; minced
1/2 c Grated orange peel
1/4 c Grated lemon peel
1 lb Citron
2 c Flour
7 lg Eggs; beaten
2 c Sugar
** According to her time honored recipe, you take three days
to prepare this great concoction. **
First, prunes and raisns are cooked until soft. Leave the
fruit in its cooking water and add brandy and spices. let
mixture steep for 2 days in cool place.
When the day comes of baking, drain off liquid. Add beef
suet, grated orange and lemon peel and citron, combining
further with flour, eggs and sugar.
Press into a butter bread-loaf pan, cover tightly, and steam
for 6 hours. You will have the famous pudding.
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... The customer is not always right, the bouncer is always right.
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