• 2/7 Stuffed 'shrooms - 4

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Saturday, February 05, 2022 16:33:14
    February 7: National Stuffed Mushroom Day

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Clare's Tastiest Stuffed Mushrooms
    Categories: Mushrooms, Herbs, Vegetables, Breads, Cheese
    Yield: 4 Servings

    12 Portobello mushrooms
    50 g Very dark brown bread
    2 cl Fresh garlic
    1 (1") pc fresh Ginger
    1 md Onion
    2 Deseeded tomatoes
    30 g Fresh Parmesan cheese
    1 lg Egg
    Drizzle of chilli oil
    30 ml Good quality Balsamic
    - vinegar
    Handful fresh parsley
    Handful fresh Coriander
    Zest of half a lemon
    Salt & pepper

    Brush your mushrooms clean with kitchen paper or a dry
    cloth, do no wet the mushrooms, remove centre stalk and
    place on a baking sheet

    Pop the bread into a food processor and make a coarse
    bread crumb, remove 10% to top the mushrooms later then
    add the herbs, garlic, cheese, onion, tomatoes, egg,
    ginger, oil, lemon zest, salt , pepper and the stalks
    you removed earlier and then blitz until all the
    ingredients are combined.

    Place the mixture inside the mushrooms and top with the
    crumbs you placed to one side earlier.

    Place in a hot pre heated oven for 15 minutes

    Put your Balsamic into a sauce pan and reduce by half.

    Place 3 stuffed mushrooms per plate with a side salad to
    serve, top with some parmesan shaving and drizzle the
    balsamic reduction over.

    RECIPE FROM: http://clarewiththehair.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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