• Something Fishy - 01

    From Dave Drum@1:261/38 to All on Sunday, July 16, 2023 06:24:04
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Braised Whiting
    Categories: Seafood, Vegetables, Chilies
    Yield: 4 servings

    1 1/2 lb Wild caught whiting
    1 lb Daikon raddish
    1 lg Onion
    4 Green onions
    6 Baby bell peppers
    1 ts Organic tamari sauce
    1 ts Double black soy sauce
    1/2 ts Honey or sugar
    1 ts Mild chilli spice mix
    4 cl Garlic cloves
    1 Pc (1") ginger
    2 c Poblano chilies

    Whiting are sold in whole in frozen section.

    Once whiting fishes are completely thawed. Remove all
    fins with scissors. Open up the fish belly using the
    scissors and remove guts and dark membrane. Rinse the
    fish by running water. Pat dry using paper towels.
    Sprinkle 2 Tsp of salt and massage into the fish inside
    out. Leave them in a flat pan and allow them to air dry
    for 24 hours. Flip the fish over after 12 hours and
    discard any liquid that has been pulled out by salt.

    Right before cooking, rinse the fish under running water
    to remove excessive salt. Cut the fish into 1.5 inches
    lengthwise. Slice daikon raddish into thin rinds after
    peeling. Slice onions, Ginger and green onions. Smash

    In a flat pan, lay raddish rind in the bottom together
    with sliced onion. Then place green onions and Ginger
    onto, followed by fish.

    In a small bowl, mix all seasoning sauce with a cup of
    water. Pour the mixture onto fish. Turn on the heat up
    to high and cover the pan with lid and cook for about 12
    minutes. Then remove the lid, and cook for another 10
    minutes to allow the juice to thicken.

    Serve hot with rice or congee.

    RECIPE FROM: https://cookpad.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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