MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Smoky Bacon Wraps
Categories: Five, Pork
Yield: 40 servings
1 lb Sliced bacon
16 oz Miniature smoked sausage
- links
1/3 c Packed brown sugar
Cut each bacon strip in half widthwise. Wrap one piece
of bacon around each sausage.
Place in a foil-lined 15" X 10" X 1" baking pan.
Sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake, uncovered, @
400+|F/205+|C until bacon is crisp and sausage is heated
through, 30-40 minutes.
Clara Flora, Kokomo, Indiana
Makes: about 3-1/2 dozen
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... A craft mixologist at a hip downtown bar must have ironic tattoos.
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