MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Peaches 'n Cream Oven-Puffed Pancake
Categories: Breads, Fruits, Dairy, Nuts
Yield: 4 Servings
1/2 c All-purpose flour
2 tb Sugar
1/4 ts Salt
1/2 c Milk
2 lg Eggs; beaten
1 tb Butter
16 oz Can sliced peaches in
- extra light syrup;
- drained, reserving 3
- tbsp liquid
2 tb Chopped pecans
1/8 ts Cinnamon
MMMMM------------------------CREAM SAUCE-----------------------------
1/4 c Dairy sour cream
2 tb Powdered sugar
3 tb Reserved peach liquid
1/8 ts Almond extract
Heat oven to 425+|F/220+|C.
In medium bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt, milk and eggs.
Beat with wire whisk or rotary beater until smooth.
Place butter in 9" pie pan; melt in 425+|F/220+|C oven for 2
to 4 minutes or just until butter sizzles. Remove pan from
oven; tilt to coat bottom with melted butter. Immediately
pour batter into hot pan; top with peach slices, pecans
and cinnamon. Bake for 16 to 20 minutes or until puffed
and golden brown.
Meanwhile in small bowl, combine all cream sauce
ingredients; mix well. Cut pancake into wedges.
Serve immediately with cream sauce.
NOTES: serving size 1/4 of recipe. May be made with
sliced apples, also.
Recipe By: Pillsbury Classic Cookbooks - Feb.1996
From: Ctlindab
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... I am of the generation that is not scared of saturated fat.
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