MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Garlic Tea
Categories: Five, Beverages, Citrus
Yield: 3 1/2 cups
3 c Water
3 cl Garlic; cut in half
1/2 c Honey
1/2 c Fresh lemon juice
In a saucepan, bring 3 cups of water and the 3 cloves of
garlic to a boil. Turn off the heat when the water boils,
and add 1/2 cup of the honey and 1/2 cup of the fresh
lemon juice. Strain.
Sip 1/2 cup, warm, three times a day.
Refrigerate extra to use the next day.
Recipe by Sharon Small
Adapted from Prevention magazine.
"In Mexico, or Spain for that matter, garlic tea is served
up for coughs or colds. People swear by it! The garlic
oils inhibit cough and cold microbes, and they are
effective decongestants. Lemon juice reduces and thins
mucus, which makes it easier to unclog a stuffed up
respiratory system. Lemon juice also changes the body's
pH, making it less hospitable to viruses and bacteria."
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