MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Iceberg Tomato Pickles
Categories: Vegetables, Preserving, Pickles
Yield: 10 Pints
5 lb Green tomatoes
3 c Lime; mineral - not citrus
1 ts Whole cloves
1 ts Allspice
1 ts Celery seed
2 ga Water
MMMMM------------------------VINEGAR MIX-----------------------------
1 ga White vinegar
5 lb Sugar
1 ts Ginger
1 ts Cinnamon
Slice tomatoes; set aside. Add lime to water. Stir until
dissolved. Strain before putting in tomatoes. Let tomatoes
soak for 24 hours. Drain and soak for 4 hours in fresh cold
water, changing water every hour.
Mix all other ingredients and bring to a boil. Pour over
drained tomatoes. Let stand overnight.
Next morning, put tomatoes into jars. Boil the vinegar
mixture for 1 hour. Then pour over tomatoes and seal.
Makes 10 pints.
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