• 5/6 Nat'l Beverage Day - 2

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Friday, May 05, 2023 14:43:11
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Root Beer
    Categories: Beverages, Herbs
    Yield: 40 Bottles

    1 oz Sassafras
    1 oz Allspice
    1 oz Yellowdock
    1 oz Wintergreen
    1/2 oz Wild cherry bark
    1/2 oz Coriander seeds
    1 oz Hops
    3 qt Molasses
    1/2 pt Yeast *
    4 ga Cold water

    Mix together the sassafras, allspice, yellow dock,
    wintergreen, wild cherry bark, coriander seeds, hops
    and molasses.

    Cover them with boiling water, allow to stand for 24
    hours, then filter, add the yeast and cold water.

    The beer will be ready in twenty-four hours. Bottle
    and seal.

    "This is a recipe from a very old (1914) canning,
    preserving and pickling book I have."

    * I'm unsure if the recipe really means a HALF-PINT
    of yeasties - or if it means 1/2 packet of yeast. UDD

    Posted by: Gidget Lowther

    From: http://www.recipesource.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)