January 14 - National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Emeril's Favorite Pastrami Sandwich
Categories: Emeril, Beef, Vegetables, Breads
Yield: 1 Serving
6 oz Sliced pastrami
2 tb Whole-grain mustard
4 oz Beer
3 sl Onion; rings intact
1 tb Oil
Salt & pepper
2 sl Rye bread or thick crusty
- black bread
Preheat a grill. Season onions with salt and pepper
and brush with oil. In a small saucepan combine beer
and mustard and bring to a boil. Add pastrami and
simmer for 3 minutes. Grill onions on both sides and
toast bread on a cooler part of the grill. When all
ingredients are heated, prepare sandwich.
Yield: 1 serving
Recipe By: Essence of Emeril Show | 09/26/96
Recipe from:
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... I'm on two diets now; I wasn't getting nearly enough food on just one.
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