• Aussie Pub Grub - 08

    From Dave Drum@1:229/452 to All on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 13:38:09
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Garlic Prawns & Buk Choy w/Herbed Rice
    Categories: Seafood, Herbs, Chilies, Vegetables, Rice
    Yield: 6 servings

    36 (1 kg/36 oz) uncooked medium
    - prawns
    6 cl Garlic; crushed
    2 ts Fresh coriander; fine
    - chopped
    3 sm Fresh red Thai chilies;
    - chopped fine
    1/3 c (80 mL) lime juice
    1 ts White sugar
    1 tb Peanut oil
    1 kg (36 oz) baby buk choy;
    - quartered lengthways
    6 Green onions; sliced thin
    1 tb Sweet chilli sauce

    MMMMM------------------------HERBED RICE-----------------------------
    2 c (400 g) jasmine rice
    2 tb Fresh coriander; coarse
    - chopped
    1 tb Fresh mint; coarse chopped
    1 tb Fresh flat-leaf parsley;
    - coarse chopped
    1 ts Lime rind; fine grated

    MAKE HERBED RICE. Cook rice, uncovered, in large
    saucepan of boiling water until tender, drain. Return
    rice to pan, combine with remaining ingredients.

    Shell and devein prawns, leaving tails intact.

    Combine prawns in large bowl with garlic, coriander,
    chilli, juice and sugar.

    Heat half of the oil in wok, stir-fry prawns, in
    batches, until just changed in colour.

    Heat remaining oil with pan liquids in wok, stir-fry buk
    choy, onion and sauce, in batches, until just tender.

    Return buk choy mixture and prawns to wok; stir-fry
    until hot. Serve on herbed rice.

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.womensweeklyfood.com.au

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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