• 1/7 Nat'l Tempura Day 5

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Wednesday, January 05, 2022 15:50:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Bury St Edmunds Tempura Of Loch Duart Salmon Belly
    Categories: Seafood, Citrus, Fruits, Nuts
    Yield: 4 servings

    500 ml Still water, bottled
    2 11/16 g Xantham gum
    175 g Cornflour
    97 g Rice flour
    11 g Salt
    100 ml Honey
    50 ml Soy sauce
    2 1/2 Avocados
    1 lg Egg
    50 ml Olive oil
    1 Lemon; juiced
    Salt & white pepper
    1 Lime; zested
    400 g Loch Duart Salmon belly
    1 Pink grapefruit
    1 Yellow grapefruit
    100 g Peanuts

    Garnish: with dill and chive flowers

    TEMPURA BATTER: Place Xantham gum, cornflour, rice
    flour, and salt into a bowl, whisk in the still water.
    Place into a siphon gun, charge twice. Keep the siphon
    gun in a bowl of cold ice water. When ready to coat the
    salmon, release the batter into a bowl.

    SOY AND HONEY REDUCTION: Place honey and soy sauce on the
    heat until they have incorporated together, remove from
    the heat when coats the back of the spoon. Heat up when
    ready to serve.

    AVOCADO EMULSION: Place 1 1/2 Avocados, egg, lemon juice,
    and salt and pepper into the blender, whilst the
    emulsion is blitzing gradually add the olive oil until a
    creamy emulsion is formed. Taste for correct seasoning.

    AVOCADO CARPACCIO: Cling film the back of a tray. Peel
    back the skin of the remaining avocado, releasing the
    inside. With a peeler, shave parts of the avocado and
    arrange on to the cling-filmed tray, you should be
    aiming for a rectangle shape. When finished, place into
    the freezer until ready to serve.

    LOCH DUART SALMON BELLY: Trim off the excess fat, portion
    into four equal portions. To achieve an equal portion,
    you could weigh the salmon on scales. When the salmon is
    cut, soak in yuzu for a maximum 1 hour to minimum 30
    minutes. Just before serving take out of the yuzu mix
    and place in flour and then batter and fry. With a
    grater or a microplane, zest the lime over the battered
    salmon just before serving.

    PINK & YELLOW GRAPEFRUIT: Cut off all the skin from the
    grapefruits, carefully segment both grapefruits, with
    the remaining grapefruit, squeeze the juice into a tub
    and place the segments in the juice.

    PEANUTS: Place peanuts on a tray, bake in the oven at
    180°C/350°F for 10 minutes or until golden brown.

    Garnish dish with dill and chive flowers (if in season)

    RECIPE FROM: https://lochduart.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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