• 1/23 National Pie Day - 2

    From Dave Drum@1:229/452 to All on Saturday, January 21, 2023 16:52:09
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: BH & G Rhubarb Pie
    Categories: Desserts, Pies, Pastry, Fruits
    Yield: 6 Servings

    3 c Rhubarb; 1" slices
    3 tb Flour
    1 c Sugar
    ds Salt
    1/2 ts Grated orange peel
    2 tb Butter

    Combine all ingredients except butter. Line a 9" pie
    plate with Orange Pastry **. Fill with rhubarb mixture
    and dot with the butter. Top with lattice crust. Bake
    @ 400ºF/205ºC 40 to 50 minutes.

    Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.

    ** Substitute orange juice for water in your favourite
    pastry recipe.

    Source: Better Homes & Gardens Dessert Cookbook.

    From: http://www.recipesource.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


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  • From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Monday, January 22, 2024 16:51:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Deep-Dish Rhubarb Pie
    Categories: Pies, Pastry, Desserts
    Yield: 6 Servings

    3/4 c Sugar
    1/3 c Flour; sifted
    1 ts Ground cinnamon
    1/2 ts Ground cloves
    1 2/3 lb Fresh rhubarb
    2 tb Butter

    MMMMM----------------------FLAKY PASTRY II---------------------------
    1 1/2 c Flour; sifted
    1 ts Salt
    1/2 c Shortening
    4 tb Ice water; approx
    Milk or cream

    Sift flour & salt into a med. bowl; cut in shortening
    with a fork or pastry blender until mixture is crumbly.
    Sprinkle cold water over mixture, 1 tb at a time; mix
    lightly with a fork just until pastry holds together
    and leaves sides of bowl clean. Make a ball; flatten
    it. Wrap dough in plastic and store in refrigerator
    until ready for use.

    Mix sugar, flour, cinnamon, and cloves in a bowl.

    Wash rhubarb; trim ends; cut into 1" pieces (You
    should have 10 cups). Place in a large bowl.

    Sprinkle with sugar mixture; toss lightly to mix.
    Let stand 15 minutes. Toss again.

    Spoon rhubarb filling into an 8" x 8" x 2" baking
    dish; dot with butter.

    Prepare pastry. Roll out to a 10" square on a lightly
    floured surface. Cut in 1/2" with a pastry wheel or
    knife. Weave strips into a lattice. Cover filling.
    Turn ends under just enough so that strips touch sides
    of baking dish. Brush lattice top with milk or cream;
    sprinkle with sugar.

    Bake in hot oven (425-|F/220-|C) for 40 minutes, until
    pastry is golden and juices bubble up. Cool. Serve
    warm with vanilla ice cream, if you wish.

    Family Circle All-Time Baking Favorites; 1974

    From: http://www.recipesource.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


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