Sean Dennis wrote to Dave Drum <=-
At least the village idiot isn't in here...
Yet. He's twitted on about half of the boards I visit. Which is a
good thing. Not at Doc's and Waldo's though. What a maroon. He surely
does like to push the buttins. (spelling intentional)
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Swedish Lutefisk
Categories: Five, Seafood, Preserving
Yield: 5 Servings
1 Piece dried cod (lutefisk);
- sawed into 6" lengths
2 tb Lye
"This is a traditional Swedish dish (also served in Norway
but the Danes have more sense). It is a dish that you
acquire a taste for (like Haggis). When you do acquire a
taste you love it so I'm told. I have not cooked this
recipe but it comes from a traditional source. This is not
a joke this is an authentic recipe!" -- Bergy
Soak the fish in clear water for 3 days.
Add 2 tbsp lye into a gallon of water.
Soak for 3 days in this solution.
Then soak for 4 days in clear water, changing the water
every day.
TO COOK THE LUTE FISH - - - - - - - -
Tie the fish loosely in a square of cheese cloth.
Drop in a large enamel pot of boiling water.
Cook 10 minutes or until well done.
Remove cheese cloth put on a platter and debone.
Serve with a white sauce or a mustard sauce.
By Bergy on October 11, 2001
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... Spam is loved in some parts of the world. But then so is lutefisk.
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