• 12/29 Pepper pot Day - 3

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Tuesday, December 27, 2022 15:45:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Authentic Pepper Pot Soup
    Categories: Soups, Offal, Pork, Vegetables, Herbs
    Yield: 10 Servings

    1 lb Honeycomb tripe
    5 sl Bacon; diced
    1/2 c Chopped onion
    1/2 c Chopped celery
    3 Leeks; chopped
    1 bn Fresh parsley; chopped
    2 md Bell peppers; cored, diced
    2 qt Beef stock
    1/4 ts Dried thyme
    1/2 ts Dried marjoram
    1/2 ts Ground cloves; (opt)
    1/4 ts Crushed red pepper flakes
    1 Bay leaf
    1 ts Ground black pepper
    1 lg Potato; peeled, diced
    2 lg Carrots; diced
    4 tb Butter
    4 tb A-P flour

    Place the tripe or other meat that you have selected to
    use in a saucepan, and cover with water. Bring to a
    boil, and turn off the heat. Allow the meat to cool a
    bit in the water, and then drain and rinse. Cut in 1/4"

    In a large heavy kettle, saute the bacon until crisp.
    Add the onion, celery, leeks, parsley, and green
    peppers; saute until tender.

    Stir in beef stock, thyme, marjoram, cloves, red pepper
    flakes, bay leaf, and black pepper. Bring the kettle to
    a boil, and turn down to a simmer. Cook, covered, until
    meat is very tender, about 2 hours.

    Add the diced potato and carrots, and cook for an
    additional 20 minutes.

    Prepare the roux by stirring the flour into the melted
    butter and cooking for a moment on the stove. When the
    soup is done to your liking, stir in the roux. Simmer,
    stirring all the while, until the soup thickens a bit.
    Correct the seasonings.

    Yield: 8 - 12 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.allrecipes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... Is that some peasant dish I'm too rich to taste?
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