• 12/23 Pfeffernusse Day 1

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 15:55:00
    December 23: National Pfeffernuesse Day

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Grandma Young's Pfeffernusse
    Categories: Cookies, Herbs, Snacks, Dairy
    Yield: 123 servings

    4 c Brown sugar; well-packed
    12 c White sugar
    2 qt Lard
    1 qt Milk
    2 qt Ddark corn syrup
    1 Tb (ea) cinnamon, cloves, mace,
    - nutmeg, allspice,
    - ginger
    2 tb Ground cardamom
    4 tb Ground star anise
    6 tb Baking powder
    1 tb Baking soda
    2 tb salt
    40 c (more or less) flour; enough
    - to make a very stiff dough

    Boil sugar, lard, syrup, and water/milk until dissolved.
    Allow to cool.

    Add other ingredients. Early additions of flour may be
    done with a mixer, but most will have to be mixed in by
    a strong arm.

    Shape into very small pieces: use either snake method,
    or cut-slab method.

    Place an empty baking sheet on the lowest rack of the
    oven to make more even baking. Peppernuts burn quite
    easily, and ideally should be baked until just before
    burning point.

    Place dough pieces on cookie sheets, and bake one at a
    time in middle rack of oven.

    Bake @ 350ºF/175ºC for about 10 minutes.

    NOTE FROM DAD: "Aunt Clara's recipe was at least double
    the recipe above. One half of the above recipe makes a
    huge batch. One fourth is probably more sane."

    RECIPE FROM: https://vomitingchicken.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... I am NOT a cynic - I just remember last time too well!
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