October 1: Homemade Cookies Day
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Emmy's No Bake Cookies
Categories: Coookies, Snacks, Grains, Choxolate
Yield: 12 Cookies
2 c Sugar
1/2 c Butter
1/2 c Milk
1 ts Vanilla
4 tb Cocoa powder
3 c Old fashioned rolled oats
Combine sugar, butter and milk in a large sauce pan.
Place over high heat and stir until butter is melted.
Bring to a rolling boil and allow to boil 4 minutes.
While it is boiling measure out your oats, cocoa,
vanilla and place parchment paper or sil-pat on a baking
After 4 minutes, remove from heat and quickly stir in
the oats, cocoa and vanilla.
Scoop or spoon little mounds onto the baking sheet.
Allow to cool and set up for 15-20 minutes before
Yield: 8-16 cookies depending on how big you make them
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