MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Cured Fluke w/Yogurt, Watermelon, Sunflower Seeds & Togar
Categories: Seafood, Dairy, Fruits, Chilies, Citrus
Yield: 4 Servings
1/2 c Kosher salt; + more
6 tb Sugar
2 (4-oz ea) fluke filets
1 ts Flakey sea salt
6 tb Plain Greek yogurt
2 tb Fresh lime juice
2 tb Olive oil; more for
- drizzling
8 oz Watermelon flesh; in 1/2"
- pieces
1/2 c Sunflower sprouts
3 tb Sunflower seeds; toasted
1 tb Togarashi *
* Togarashi, the Japanese word for "chilies", is a group
of condiments always including chiles that bring out the
clean, simple flavors of Japanese food.
In a 9" X 13" baking dish, whisk the salt with the sugar,
and then lay the filets over the top, tossing to coat.
Cover the dish with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 45
minutes. Remove the fish from the dish and rinse under
cold water. Transfer to paper towels and pat dry.
Place the fluke on a cutting board, and thinly slice on
the bias. Arrange the fluke slices on a serving platter
and sprinkle with the sea salt. In a small bowl, combine
the yogurt with the lime juice and the 2 tablespoons olive
oil. Season the sauce with salt and then dollop alongside
the fish on the platter. Arrange the watermelon alongside
the fish on the platter and then sprinkle the entire dish
with the sunflower sprouts and seeds and the togarashi.
Drizzle the dish with olive oil just before serving.
Saerve 4
John Karangis of Union Square Events
MM Format by Dave Drum - 12 September 2015
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... The Devil made me do it; I'm not really like that!
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