Eat Dessert 1st Month 3
Dave Drum@1:18/200 to
All on Sunday, August 28, 2022 12:05:14
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Hunter's Buns
Categories: Appetizers, Desserts, Dairy, Pastry
Yield: 16 Servings
Cottage cheese *
2 1/2 oz Currants; wash, drain well
Oil to grease pan
1 1/4 c Flour
1/4 c Sugar; granulated
3 1/2 oz Unsalted Butter;well chilled
1 lg Egg
A little tinned milk to
- brush on buns
This pastry is very sticky because of the high fat content,
best made in the food processor. Roll the chilled pieces of
butter in the flour to help reduce the stickiness. Roll it
out on two pieces of Saran wrap.
This pastry is forgiving (can be patched).
Put flour and sugar in food processor bowl and pulse 1-2
times to aerate. Roll cubes of butter in flour and distribute
over flour & sugar in work bowl.
Process briefly till mixture resembles fine meal. Drop egg
down chute while processor is going. Process briefly till
egg is incorporated. Turn onto Saran Wrap covered surface
and form into ball. Refrigerate for at least an hour.
Roll out on a Saran Wrap covered surface. (You may add
extra flour although it will toughen it slightly.)
Knead the currants into the pastry and form it into a roll.
Divide into 16 equal sized pieces. Form these into round
bun shapes, lay on a greased baking sheet and brush with
the milk.
OVEN: moderately hot
BAKING TIME: about 20 minutes
Alternatively, the buns may be filled with jam. To do this,
flatten the buns slightly and place 1/2 tsp. jam in the
center of each. Gather the edges together over the jam and
press well together. Turn them over, with the round side
to the top and lay on a greased baking sheet.
* HUH???
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