• Plum Crazy - 06

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Thursday, August 25, 2022 05:32:40
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Plum & Raspberry Jam
    Categories: Fruits, Citrus, Preserving
    Yield: 3 servings

    3 1/4 c Raspberries
    3 c Pitted plums; fine chopped
    1 lb 3 oz. sugar
    3 tb Fresh lemon juice
    2 sm Cinnamon sticks
    3 Star anise pods

    To a large bowl, add the berries, plums, sugar, lemon
    juice, cinnamon, and star anise, and toss to combine.
    Cover and mascerate for at least 15 minutes or up to 1
    week. (If mascerating for longer than 24 hours, transfer
    to the fridge.)

    SANITIZE YOUR JARS: Set the oven @ 250+|F/121+|C. Wash
    three 8-ounce mason jars and place them upside down on a
    baking sheet, reserving your ring bands and unused snap
    lids. Transfer the jars to the oven and bake for at
    least 20 minutes.

    Meanwhile, make the jam: To a wide, heavy-bottomed pot,
    transfer the fruit mixture, then bring to a boil over
    medium-high heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until
    the bubbles are sputtering violently, the surface is
    glossy and jewel-like, and the jam is thick when stirred
    with a silicone spatula (this is the "setting point"),
    around 15-20 minutes. (The jam should slide off the
    spatula in sheets or clumps or try to cling to the
    spatula when you bring it to eye level. If yougCOre
    uncertain, pour a teaspoon of jam on an ice cold plate
    and place in the freezer for two minutes. Remove and run
    your finger through the jam. If it has formed a skin and
    parts evenly, itgCOs ready; if not, continue cooking 3-4
    minutes more.

    When the jam is ready to be added to the jars, remove
    them from the oven and flip them over carefully. Working
    over the sheet pan and using a funnel or ladle, fill the
    jars to within 1/4" of the rim. Tap the jars gently or
    use an air bubble remover, then wipe the rims clean of
    any drips or splatters. Place the snap lids on the jars
    and screw the ring bands on tightly. Once filled, invert
    the jars for 2 minutes, then flip right side up.

    Set aside and do not disturb for 24 hours; if canned
    properly, the jam will be hot enough to create a vacuum
    and seal the jars closed.

    by Camilla Wynne

    Yield: makes Three 8-oz. jars

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.saveur.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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