8/16 National Rum Day - 5
Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, August 14, 2022 07:06:00
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Rum Chocolate
Categories: Five, Beverages, Dairy, Chocolate, Booze
Yield: 1 Guzzle
2 oz Light rum
1 oz Creme da cacao
2 oz Hershey's chocolate syrup
1 c Whole milk; heated
1 Mint leaf; garnish, opt
Using milk warmed to 180øF/82øC stir in rum, creme de
cacao and chocolate syrup on a tallish glass mug.
Garnish with a mint leaf or sprig if desired.
Reconstructed from memories of Dave Grossblatt's Cafe
Rienzi on MacDougal St., Greenwich Village, NYC
Makes one drink
Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
... Next time, give the gift that keeps on giving - a female kitten.
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