• 8/13 Filet Mignon Day - 1

    From Dave Drum@1:275/100 to All on Thursday, August 11, 2022 07:32:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Empty Nest Filets
    Categories: Beef, Mushrooms, Booze
    Yield: 2 Servings

    2 Filets mignon
    1/2 lb Cremini mushrooms; sliced
    1 Shallot; minced
    2 tb Butter
    Fresh ground black pepper
    1/2 c Brandy

    Place a heavy frying pan over medium heat and let it heat
    up. Add the butter and tip the pan so the butter sizzles
    but doesn't burn. Add the shallot and cook briefly until
    it softens, then add the mushrooms and cook until they're
    just short of done.

    Using a slotted spoon, remove the mushrooms from the pan,
    leaving the butter and mushroom juice. Turn the heat to
    high. Add the steaks and sear on both sides. (This recipe
    will produce rare to medium-rare steaks; if you or your
    date likes - shudder - well-done beef, you can butterfly
    that steak, put it in the pan first, and cook it with a
    cover on until it's done through before you add the good

    Remove the steaks from the pan. Add the brandy and a lot
    of black pepper, and cook down until it's syrupy.

    Put the steaks and the mushrooms back in the pan and let
    them all cook together for a few minutes, until the steaks
    are done to your liking and hot through, and the flavors
    have all blended.

    By Wendy Hoogland on February 21, 2013

    Recipe from: http://www.food.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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  • From Dave Drum@1:229/452 to All on Saturday, August 12, 2023 16:58:20
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Empty Nest Filets
    Categories: Beef, Mushrooms, Booze
    Yield: 2 Servings

    2 Filets mignon
    1/2 lb Cremini mushrooms; sliced
    1 Shallot; minced
    2 tb Butter
    Fresh ground black pepper
    1/2 c Brandy

    Place a heavy frying pan over medium heat and let it heat
    up. Add the butter and tip the pan so the butter sizzles
    but doesn't burn. Add the shallot and cook briefly until
    it softens, then add the mushrooms and cook until they're
    just short of done.

    Using a slotted spoon, remove the mushrooms from the pan,
    leaving the butter and mushroom juice. Turn the heat to
    high. Add the steaks and sear on both sides. (This recipe
    will produce rare to medium-rare steaks; if you or your
    date likes - shudder - well-done beef, you can butterfly
    that steak, put it in the pan first, and cook it with a
    cover on until it's done through before you add the good

    Remove the steaks from the pan. Add the brandy and a lot
    of black pepper, and cook down until it's syrupy.

    Put the steaks and the mushrooms back in the pan and let
    them all cook together for a few minutes, until the steaks
    are done to your liking and hot through, and the flavors
    have all blended.

    By Wendy Hoogland on February 21, 2013

    Recipe from: http://www.food.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... If you feel sick, whiskey is like hand sanitizer for your insides.

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  • From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Monday, August 12, 2024 16:14:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Filet Mignon
    Categories: Five, Beef
    Yield: 4 servings

    4 (6 oz ea) filet mignon
    - steaks; patted dry
    1 tb Oil
    2 tb Unsalted butter
    1 ts Coarse ground black pepper

    Season the steaks generously all over with salt. (You
    can season and refrigerate the steaks uncovered up to 24
    hours ahead.)

    Heat a large cast-iron skillet over medium. Add the oil
    and swirl to coat, then add the steaks and cook,
    flipping every minute, until crusty and browned, 6 to 8
    minutes total.

    Add the butter and black pepper. Tilt the pan and use a
    spoon to baste the steaks with the butter for 1 minute.
    Flip the steaks. Continue to baste and flip every
    minute, 2 to 6 minutes more. Transfer meat to a plate,
    pour over the pan drippings and let rest for 5 minutes
    before serving.

    By: Ali Slagle

    Yield: 4 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://cooking.nytimes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.
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