• 7/28 Nat Lasagna Day - 2

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 12:16:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Adrian's Osso Bucco & Five Cheese Lasagne
    Categories: Beef, Vegetables, Pasta, Herbs, Cheese
    Yield: 9 Servings

    2 Carrots; diced
    2 lg Brown onions; diced
    2 Ribs celery; diced
    4 cl Garlic; minced
    2 Bay leaves
    2 tb Extra virgin olive oil
    4 Pieces osso bucco
    1 c Basil leaves
    1 c Red wine
    1600 g (4 cans) diced tomatoes
    1/4 c Plain flour
    50 g Butter
    2 c Milk
    500 g Mixed cheese: (cheddar, edam
    - mozzarella, Parmesan,
    - gouda); grated
    12 Lasagne sheets
    12 Pieces mortadella

    Set the oven to 170ºC/340ºF.

    Heat a large heavy-based saucepan over high heat and add
    the carrot, onion, celery, garlic and bay leaves with a
    drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Cook for a few
    minutes until softened.

    Season the osso bucco with salt and pepper. Heat a large
    frypan over high heat and add the meat with a drizzle of
    extra virgin olive oil, and brown for a few minutes on
    both sides.

    Add half the basil leaves and red wine to the vegetables
    and bring to the boil. Add the osso bucco with its pan
    juices and the tomatoes, then cover the pan with a
    cartouche (piece of baking paper) and a lid. Transfer to
    the oven and cook for 2 hours.

    To make the béchamel, melt the butter in a small
    saucepan and gradually stir in the flour until combined.
    Slowly pour in the milk, stirring continuously, until
    the sauce is thick and glossy. Remove from the heat and
    stir in the grated cheese.

    Once the osso bucco is cooked, remove the meat from the
    sauce and chop into small pieces.

    In a large rectangular baking dish, spread out a couple
    of ladlefuls of the osso bucco sauce and cover with
    about 4 lasagne sheets (or enough to cover in a single
    layer). Spoon over some more sauce, followed by some
    meat, basil leaves, a few pieces of mortadella, and a
    layer of the cheese sauce. Repeat the layering process
    until all ingredients are used, finishing with a layer
    of cheese sauce on top.

    Cover the lasagne with foil and place back in the oven
    for 1 hour. Remove the foil after and hour and cook for
    a further 30 minutes.

    Serves 8-10

    Adrian Richardson: 02 April 2018

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.goodchefbadchef.com.au

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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