National Pickle Month 2
Dave Drum@1:18/200 to
All on Saturday, July 23, 2022 13:56:12
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Turshi Bonjan (Pickled Stuffed Eggplant)
Categories: Asain, Preserving, Vegetables, Chilies
Yield: 10 Servings
8 (to 10) smallest eggplants
4 c Water
8 cl Garlic; peeled
1/4 c Dried mint
3 tb Hot red chili flakes
1 tb Ground cinnamon
1 tb Salt
1 c (to 2 c) vinegar
Small finger-size eggplant are best to use in this pickle,
but smallest Italian variety will do well. The pickle will
keep preserved for several months but should be refrigerated
after it matures & once it is served.
Remove stem from each eggplant & make 2 cuts down crosswise,
to within 1-inch of bottom. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil,
add eggplants, & cook over moderate heat for 5 mins. Drain &
cool in colander for 1/2 hour. Set aside.
Grind garlic, mint, chili flakes, cinnamon, & salt together
to a medium but not too fine consistency. There should be
some texture. Push apart 4 prongs of each eggplant & stuff
w/1 ts spice mixture. Fit eggplants into a glass jar & pour
in enough vinegar to cover them. If there is any leftover
spice mix, put that into jar with the eggplants. Let pickle
mature for 5 days before serving, then refrigerate.
Recipe: "Sephardic Cooking" by Copeland Mark -- 600 Recipes
Created in Exotic Sephardic Kitchens from Morocco to India
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
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