MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Garbage Pasta Salad
Categories: Pasta, Cheese, Vegetables, Beef
Yield: 8 servings
12 oz Twist rainbow pasta
1/2 Head fresh cauliflower; in
- sm florets
1/2 Head fresh broccoli; in
- sm florets
1/2 Red onion; in 1/2" chunks
1 c 1/2" chunks Cheddar cheese
1 c Pepperoni slices; halved
16 oz Can black olives; drained
3/4 c Italian dressing
In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook pasta
according to package directions; drain and let cool.
In a large bowl, combine remaining ingredients; add
pasta and toss until evenly coated. Refrigerate until
ready to serve.
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... Take 20 aspirins, and you'll feel better if you wake up.
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