May 7 - National Roast Leg of Lamb Day
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Jon Benno's Roasted Leg Of Lamb w/Roasted Garlic Puree
Categories: Lamb/mutton, Vegetables, Herbs
Yield: 4 servings
4 lb (to 6 lb) bpne-in lamb leg
- roast; w/cap of fat,
- de-boned to the shank,
- keep shank bone in
2 tb (heaping) fresh rosemary
- leaves; extra sprigs &
- branches for garnish
1/2 c Roasted garlic puree
Salt & black pepper
MMMMM--------------------ROASTED GARLIC PUREE-------------------------
1 Garlic head; cut in half
1 tb Olive oil
Salt & pepper
FOR ROASTED GARLIC PUREE: Set the oven @ 350ºF/175ºC.
While the oven is heating up, cut the garlic head in
half and lay on a sheet of tin foil, season with salt
and pepper and drizzle the olive oil over the halved
garlic. Once up to temperature, wrap the foil around the
garlic and place in the oven. Cook for about 45 minutes
or until golden brown and tender to the touch. Once the
garlic has cooled, gently squeeze out all the garlic
cloves. Once they are squeezed out, place them in a
blender and blend until smooth.
FOR THE LAMB: Set oven @ 425ºF/218ºC.
Mix the rosemary leaves and the roasted garlic puree
into a chunky paste. Using your fingers, massage the
chunky paste into the meat.
Season liberally with salt and black pepper. Place the
lamb on a rack in a roasting pan, fat side up.
Roast 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 350ºF/175ºC and
roast until internal temperature reaches 130ºF/55ºC to
135ºF/57ºC (for medium-rare or medium meat), about
another 60 to 90 minutes. Baste every 20 minutes or so
with the drippings in the pan. If possible, for the last
15 minutes of cooking, use convection or a broiler to
crisp the fat on the roast.
Remove pan from the oven, remove rack from the pan, and
let the roast rest on the rack for at least 60 minutes
in a warm place, tented with foil.
Cut the lamb into 1/2" thick slices and arrange on a
heated platter, decorated with rosemary sprigs.
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... A plucked goose doesn't lay golden eggs.
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