• 10/7 Nat'l Pierogi Day 2

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Monday, October 07, 2024 20:53:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Old-Fashioned Pierogies
    Categories: Potatoes, Cheese, Pastry, Dairy
    Yield: 12 servings

    1/4 lb Butter
    1 1/4 c Fine chopped onion; divided
    3 lg Baking potatoes; peeled; in
    - chunks
    1/2 c Shredded cheddar cheese
    1 1/2 ts Salt; divided
    1/4 ts Black pepper
    3 lg Eggs
    1 c Sour cream
    3 c A-P flour; extra for
    - rolling
    1 tb Baking powder

    In a skillet over medium heat, melt butter and sautAc
    onion 5 to 7 minutes or until tender. Remove 1/4 cup of
    onion and set aside. Continue to cook remaining onion 5
    to 7 minutes or until golden; set aside. In a large
    saucepan, boil potatoes 15 to 20 minutes or until
    tender; drain and mash.

    In a large bowl, combine the 1/4 cup onion, the mashed
    potatoes, cheese, 1 teaspoon salt, and the pepper; mix
    well and set aside.

    To make the dough, in another large bowl, mix eggs and
    sour cream until smooth. In a medium bowl, combine 3
    cups flour, the baking powder, and remaining 1/2
    teaspoon salt; mix well. Add flour mixture to egg
    mixture and stir until dough comes together.

    Place dough on a lightly floured surface and knead until
    smooth. Divide dough in half and cover half with plastic
    wrap. Lightly flour your work surface and, with a
    rolling pin, roll out the dough to 1/8-inch thickness.
    Using a 3" cookie cutter or drinking glass, cut out
    the dough. Place 1 teaspoon potato filling in center of
    each dough round. Moisten edges with water, fold the
    dough over the filling and pinch edges together to seal.
    Repeat with remaining dough and potato mixture.

    Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high
    heat. Add pierogies in batches and cook 4 minutes.
    Remove with a slotted spoon to a paper towel-lined
    platter. Over medium heat, add pierogis to skillet with
    remaining onion. Cook until golden and heated through.

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.mrfood.com

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