• Nat Soy Foods Month 4

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 17:50:41
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Spicy Baked Tofu
    Categories: Five, Vegetables, Sauces
    Yield: 4 Servings

    12 oz Pkg tofu
    2 tb Soy sauce
    2 tb Asian chilli sauce
    2 tb Minced fresh ginger root
    1 1/2 tb Hoisin sauce

    Lay the tofu on a plate lined with a couple sheets of
    paper towel. Layer more paper towel atop tofu and place
    another plate atop the stack to press water from the tofu.
    Let sit at least 5 minutes.

    Cut tofu into 1/2" strips and put into a large, sealable
    plastic bag; add soy sauce, chili sauce, ginger, and
    hoisin sauce. Squeeze bag to remove excess air and seal.
    Marinate tofu in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

    Preheat oven to 375ºF/190ºC.

    Prepare a baking sheet with cooking spray.

    Remove tofu from the marinade, shake to remove excess
    moisture, and arrange onto the prepared baking sheet.
    Discard the remaining marinade.

    Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes, flip, and continue
    baking until firm, 15 to 20 minutes more.

    Recipe By: Kiara Sexton

    RECIPE FROM: http://allrecipes.com

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