On Sun, 3 Apr 2022 18:35:38 +1000
"Scott Little" <scott.little@3:712/848> wrote:
Hello everyone,
Sadly I must relay the news that Paul Quinn passed away on the 25th
of March. He was a friend and colleague to many of us and long time
Fidonet contributor as NC640 and RC54, he will be missed.
https://www.kirksfunerals.com.au/funeraldeath-notices https://www.kirksfunerals.com.au/uploads/UdCSa87s/767x0_2560x0/QUINNPaul.jpg
I was trying to find a sysop the other day and found out he had passed
on a few years ago. It made me think it might be nice to have a Sysop
Memorial Wall somewhere, we can list the sysop and the BBS they ran.
I'm relatively new to the BBS game so doesn't seem appropriate for me
to do it, maybe someone who knew more of the sysops?
End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
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