• CFBBS sysop going away

    From Michael Luko@1:266/512 to All on Thursday, June 15, 2023 14:08:00
    I will be on vacation from my regular full-time job, setting up and working at AgapeFest23 Festival held in Mt. Union PA, from 6-16-23 till 6-25-23. I should have remote access to my system when internet and phone service gets hooked up on site.

    The BBS will be running fully on auto pilot. Darlene Marshall, current Co-Sysop, will be acting sysop if for some reason I don't have remote access during my absence. Darlene has the ability to validate new callers. She can also lockout problem callers till I get back. She will be monitoring mail flow and node activity. In the event of missed mail runs or locked up nodes she has a key to my apartment to reset my computer or release a locked up node.
    Darlene Marshall can be reached via the following email address: marshal474@aol.com should there be a pressing issue that needs to be resolved before I get back.

    Region 13 node segment processing is handled unattended on Tuesday 8pm as it normally does. The mailrun after receiving the nodelist, nodediff and the fido news letter will make available those files for FREQ.

    In years past there were extreme periods of slowness with the connection onsite during the peak of the festival to the point it would take 10 mins to type a message. If that happens I will be doing minimal replying and maintenance just to make sure everything is running stable and high priority messages get answered. I will play catch up on non-critial issues and normal chit-chat mail when speeds are tolerable or when I get back.

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    * Origin: Christian Fellowship | cfbbs.no-ip.com 856-933-7096 (1:266/512)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Michael Luko on Thursday, June 15, 2023 22:43:22
    Hello Michael,

    Region 13 node segment processing is handled unattended on Tuesday
    8pm as it normally does.

    Ahhhhhh ... when you get back, is there a possibility to deal with these as yet unsolved issues?

    As a reminder:

    * 1:109/264 and 1:267/300 are both "Pvt" and have a CM-flag. That's an
    incompatibility. CM should be dropped.

    * Node 1:267/585 lists an INA of mtonework.com and 1:275/99 lists
    scinet-ftn.org. Both fqdn's have expired eons ago thus these nodes are
    unreachable via that technology and probably have expired.

    Just so you know.

    Enjoy the time away.

    Take care,


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Ward Dossche on Friday, June 16, 2023 09:52:46
    Hi Ward,

    On 2023-06-15 22:43:22, you wrote to Michael Luko:

    Region 13 node segment processing is handled unattended on Tuesday
    8pm as it normally does.

    Ahhhhhh ... when you get back, is there a possibility to deal with these as
    yet unsolved issues?

    As a reminder:

    * 1:109/264 and 1:267/300 are both "Pvt" and have a CM-flag. That's an
    incompatibility. CM should be dropped.

    * Node 1:267/585 lists an INA of mtonework.com and 1:275/99 lists
    scinet-ftn.org. Both fqdn's have expired eons ago thus these nodes are
    unreachable via that technology and probably have expired.

    There are many systems (more then half of the total) with similar or other connection problems in R13:

    1:13/2 wc4.winserver.org - Error: Cannot getaddrinfo - Name or service not known
    1:109/0 bbsdoors.com:24554 No such AKA.
    1:109/201 bbs.cyberchatnet.com - Error: Cannot getaddrinfo - Name or service not known
    1:109/567 bbsdoors.com:24554 Error: Socket read error.
    1:129/12 gs1.trianglecloud.xyz - Error: Cannot getaddrinfo - Name or service not known
    1:129/14 home.itc77.com - Error: Cannot getaddrinfo - Name or service not known
    1:129/102 convolution.us:24554 Error: Connection timed out
    1:129/160 mysticdreams.dyndns.org:24555 Error: Connection timed out
    1:129/215 mysticbbs.pwnz.org:24554 Error: Connection timed out
    1:129/330 theoraclebbs.com:24554 Error: Connection timed out
    1:129/331 api.theoraclebbs.com:24554 Error: Connection timed out
    1:261/20 wc4.winserver.org - Error: Cannot getaddrinfo - Name or service not known
    1:261/1300 bbs.weather-station.org:24557 No such AKA. 1:261/1306 merlock.org:34554 Error: Connection timed out
    1:266/75 asciiattic.com:24554 Error: Connection timed out
    1:266/215 mprah.net:24554 Error: Connection timed out 1:266/550 Error: Connection timed out
    1:266/618 sectiononebbs.com:24554 Error: Connection timed out
    1:267/1 yurykalinin.servemp3.com - Error: Cannot getaddrinfo - Name or service not known
    1:267/69 bbs.doilidov.com - Error: Cannot getaddrinfo - Name or service not known
    1:267/151 oceanbbs.dyndns.org - Error: Cannot getaddrinfo - Name or service not known
    1:267/152 xtcbox.ax.lt:2323 Error: Socket read error.
    1:267/154 bbs.solarpi.net:24554 Error: Connection timed out
    1:267/156 cosmikdebris.ddns.net:24554 Error: Connection timed out
    1:267/158 tnabbs.ax.lt:24554 Error: Socket read error.
    1:267/331 bbs.crnet.net:24554 Error: Connection timed out
    1:267/585 rbbbs.mtonework.com - Error: Cannot getaddrinfo - Name or service not known
    1:275/91 fluph.zapato.org:24554 Error: Connection timed out

    None CM nodes, not tested:
    (Some Pvt, but with IBN connect flags)


    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Michael Luko@1:266/512 to All on Saturday, June 15, 2024 10:11:00
    I will be on vacation from my regular full-time job, setting up and working at AgapeFest24 Festival held in Mt. Union PA, from 6-15-24 till 6-23-24. I should have remote access to my system when internet and phone service gets hooked up on site.

    The BBS will be running fully on auto pilot. Darlene Marshall, current Co-Sysop, will be acting sysop if for some reason I don't have remote access during my absence. Darlene has the ability to validate new callers. She can also lockout problem callers till I get back. She will be monitoring mail flow and node activity. In the event of missed mail runs or locked up nodes she has a key to my apartment to reset my computer or release a locked up node.
    Darlene Marshall can be reached via the following email address: marshal474@aol.com should there be a pressing issue that needs to be resolved before I get back.

    Region 13 node segment processing is handled unattended on Tuesday 8pm as it normally does. The mailrun after receiving the nodelist, nodediff and the fido news letter will make available those files for FREQ.

    In years past there were extreme periods of slowness with the connection onsite during the peak of the festival to the point it would take 10 mins to type a message. If that happens I will be doing minimal replying and maintenance just to make sure everything is running stable and high priority messages get answered. I will play catch up on non-critial issues and normal chit-chat mail when speeds are tolerable or when I get back.

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    * Origin: Christian Fellowship | cfbbs.no-ip.com 856-933-7096 (1:266/512)