Yes. They sold out. I guess there's lots of people who don't want to
go mucking around the bush in rubber boots or are afraid they'll
pick the wrong kind.
The bears are out and about here and hungry. Often with their little
babies. Here we transitioned from breakup straight into fire season.
Already getting red flag warnings and small fires.
Earlier you were talking about cooking stuff. I make something that
resembles duxelles, no alliums in it...only tiny amounts of butter
and salt, put 1tbsp lumps on foil, freeze, then suckie bag
individually. For when I want a mushroom/cheese omelet. I also dice
up ham or reindeer sausages and package them in 85g lumps in the same
way. Cooking for 1 and a tbsp of shrooms is a lot.
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Title: Lobster Tails Info
Categories: Info
Yield: 1 Info
1 Information
TT>I've never cooked lobster tails at home -- I can get rock lobster
TT>tails, frozen, but I don't think I've ever seen real lobsters
TT>except for fresh (sort of) in a tank, in markets around here.
Virtually all the rock lobster that's available, except for coastal
areas where it's caught fresh, is frozen anyway, so it doesn't much
matter. Once the lobster is dead, the edible lifespan on the meat can
be measured in hours, so they freeze 'em immediately for shipment.
TT>Your sources, of course, probably far exceed my sources, when it
TT>comes to lobster tails.
Unfortunately, no. For some reason, management is more than a little
stuffy about our dragging home samples :-) I do drag home a dying
Maine Lobster once in a while (if it looks like it's not gonna make
it through the night). It's a mixed blessing, since the darn thing
has to be cooked immediately, and I just can't get all that worked up
about lobster at 1 o'clock in the morning.
Actually, the frozen rock tails are pretty good, if they're prepped
correctly and you don't overcook 'em. If you ever want to try, here's
1. Thaw the tails overnight in the refrigerator, or quick-thaw them
under COLD running water. At no time should the temperature of the
lobster flesh exceed 40 degrees (F).
2. (NOTE: the following directions are for right handed people only.
Left handers should reverse the directions). Grasp the lobster tail
in your left hand, with the fins pointing away from you, and the open
(body) end pointing toward you. The top (rounded part) of the shell
should be on top. If you have sensitive hands, you may wish to
protect your hand with a towel, as the lobster barbs are sharp and
can infect like crazy.
3. Carefully insert the blade of a pair of kitchen shears between the
lobster meat and the uppermost shell, and make a lengthwise cut
through the shell, stopping just at the point where the shell and
fins meet. Do not cut into the fin area.
4. Use the shears or your fingers to cut through the shell at the
point where the fins and the shell meat, so that you now have a "T-
shaped" cut in the lobster shell.
5. Use your hands to pry the lobster out of the shell, leaving the
portion at the top (where you cut the T) still attached to the shell.
(Don't be afraid to get rough here -- the meat is pretty sturdy, and
the shell is TOUGH.)
6. After the meat has been removed from the shell (but still
attached at the top), flip it over (it will remain attached), and
make 3-4 shallow (careful here, it's easy to get carried away and cut
through everything) cuts at about a 45 degree angle through the tough
membrane on the underside of the meat. (This prevents the cooked
tail from curling.
7. Flip the tail over so that the meat is sitting directly over the
cut shell.
8. Using a sharp knife and a gentle hand (again, you don't want to
cut through the meat), Cut about halfway through the center of the
tail. It should fall open. Now make two more shallow parallel cuts
on either side of the center cut.
9. Finally, use your thumbs to press down on the shell at the fin end
until it snaps, and fan out the fins for a pretty presentation.
10. Brush the tail with butter, season lightly with seafood
seasoning or sweet paprika, and place it in a shallow ovenproof
baking dish. (We use pie tins). Place about a quarter inch of water
in the dish, and stick the whole thing under the broiler until the
meat JUST turns opaque. Do not overcook or it will be tough, dry, and
utterly tasteless.
Serve with drawn butter and lemon or (better IMHO) lime wedges.
Kathy Pitts in Bryan, TX. Re-U/L to NCE by Burt Ford 9/96 3/97 11/98
11/98 (Yep, twice).
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