Quoting Denis Mosko to Jim Weller <=-
Sugar consumption by country:
USA is #1 at 125.4 g per person per day
Russia is #2 at 105 g
Canada is #10 at 89.9 g
Go to Canada. Jim!
I am here! I grew up in Cobden, Ontario near Ottawa and now live in
Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories.
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Supremes De Volaille Rouge Et Vert
Categories: Canadian, Chicken, Wine, Marinades, Herbs
Yield: 2 Servings
1 Chicken breast, whole
1 Lime's juice
1/2 c White wine
1 ts Ginger
1 cl Garlic, minced
1 pn Tarragon
1 Lime's juice
3 oz White wine
Butter (salted)
3 oz Tomato paste
Chicken breasts in tomato-lime sauce. The French name means
"boneless chicken breasts in red and green sauce."
Mix the marinade ingredients. Bone the chicken breast, obtaining
2 supremes, and marinate for at least 30 minutes. Reserve bones.
Cook a bouillon using the bones. You will need about 3 oz of
Drain, flatten and flour the supremes. Saute quickly in clarified
butter, about two minutes on each side. Remove and keep warm.
Raise the heat to high, add wine, lime juice, tomato paste and
bouillon. Cook down until it looks like it's been cooked too much.
Remove from heat and swirl in a goodly chunk of butter. If you
remove the sauce too soon, it will be too soupy. The sauce should
be cinnamon-coloured and shiny. There will be very little sauce,
you may need a rubber scraper to get it out of the pan.
Serve with rice.
Martin Minow
... Newfoundland is just barely Canadian
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