• 10/7 Nat'l Frappe Day - 3

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Sunday, October 06, 2024 13:14:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Starbucks Frappe
    Categories: Five, Beverages, Dairy
    Yield: 1 servings

    18 sm (to 22) ice cubes; crushed
    7 oz Double-Strength Coffee;
    - chilled (below)
    2 tb Vanilla, hazelnut, raspberry
    - or other syrup
    Whipped cream or ice cream;
    - garnish

    MMMMM-------------------DOUBLE-STRENGTH COFFEE------------------------
    1 2/3 c (16 standard scoops) coarse
    - ground coffee
    12 c Water, simmering

    Recipe courtesy of *$ (Starbucks)

    Place the ice, coffee, sugar, and syrup in a blender.
    Blend until the frappe is smooth. Pour into a large,
    tall glass. Garnish with a dollop of whipped cream or a
    scoop of your favorite ice cream.

    Makes one serving

    DOUBLE-STRENGTH COFFEE: Place coffee into a 12 cup
    coffee press. Add water. Allow to brew 4 minutes,
    plunge, then pour into an ice-filled pitcher. To prevent
    breakage, pour slowly and use a heat-resistant pitcher.
    Serve over ice, adding cream and sugar to taste.
    Yield: 12 cups

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.foodnetwork.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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