• Mousseline Sauce

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:38:24
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Sauce Mousseline Sabayon (Mousseline Sauce)
    Categories: French, Sauces
    Yield: 1 Batch

    3 Egg yolks
    1/2 c Whipping cream
    1/4 c Concentrated fish liquor
    3/4 c Butter; softened; divided
    -into 10 pieces
    Salt and pepper
    4 c Enameled saucepan
    1 Wire whip; (whisk?)

    Beat the egg yolks, cream, and fish liquor over low heat until they
    gradually thicken into a light cream that coats the wires of the whip
    (165°F/ 73°C). Do not overheat or the egg yolks will scramble.

    Off heat, beat in the butter a piece at a time, beating until each is
    almost absorbed before adding another. The sauce will thicken like a

    Taste carefully for seasoning, and add drops of lemon juice if you
    feel they are needed. Keep sauce over tepid-not hot-water, and when
    the soufflé is done, pour the sauce into a warm sauceboat to
    accompany the soufflé.

    Recipe by Julia Child

    Recipe FROM: <Mastering the art of French Cooking by Julia Child, New
    York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2011

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