• Sweet Shiruko

    From Ben Collver@1:105/500 to All on Monday, January 22, 2024 12:45:37
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Sweet Shiruko
    Categories: Japanese, Dessert
    Yield: 4 Servings

    4 Toasted rice cakes

    MMMMM---------------------SHIRUKO BEAN PASTE--------------------------
    5 oz Adzuki beans
    4 c Water
    3 c Sugar
    1 pn Salt
    1 tb Dogtooth starch; dissolved
    1 ts Water

    Soak the adzuki beans for half a day. Drain and put fresh water just
    covering the surface of beans. Heat and when it has begun to boil,
    drain the beans, add enough fresh water to cover, and boil it again.
    Repeat the process of draining, adding fresh water, boiling and
    draining two more times. Pour 4 c fresh water over the drained beans
    and simmer over a low heat for 2 hours until the beans become tender.
    Add sugar and salt to taste.

    Heat the Shiruko made one day before. Put dogtooth starch dissolved
    with water in it and stir a little.

    Fill up each bowl with steaming hot Shiruko, put a toasted rice cake
    in the bowl, and serve.

    M's note. I think that dogtooth starch is made out of the corm of some
    lily: you might substitute arrowroot or corn starch.

    Recipe by Hiroaki Katayama

    Recipe FROM: http://mothra.rerf.or.jp/ENG/Hiroshima/Things/61.html

    Posted to NCE 11/1998

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Fool's Quarter, fqbbs.synchro.net (1:105/500)