MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Luddite's Apricot Jam
Categories: Five, Condiments, Fruits, Preserving
Yield: 3 Servings
1 1/2 kg Fresh apricots
1 1/2 kg Preserving/granulated sugar
300 ml Water
I love apricot jam. I have made this recipe often, and
can guarantee it works. It comes out of a little book
called "Classic Preserves" by Alice May...very 1950s.
Wash the apriciots and cut in half, remove stones. Put
the fruit in a solid based pan and simmer for about 15
minutes until the fruit is soft and the water has
reduced. Add the sugar slowly and stir until it is
completely dissolved.
Bring to a boil and continue cooking rapidly for about
15 minutes, or until setting point is reached. Place
into sterilised jars.
(My old Grandmother used to work out set point by
putting some jam onto a saucer and seeing if it was
"jam-like" when it cooled. If it wasn't she kept
cooking ....this is how I do it too, and it works).
You can also buy a thermometer and keep cooking it
until it gets up to temperature...but I can't remember
what that point is, still it would be easily found on
the net. Don't use over-ripe fruit, most of the pectin
required for setting has been converted into sugars.
Anthony the Luddite
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
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