Sean Dennis wrote to Dave Drum <=-
I've sent bbs addresses, etc. Hopefully he'll jump back into the pot
and stir thing up a bit.
Should I be worried? <G>
Depends on how far into his daily 2 litres of rough red wine he is.
Keving can be informative, entertaining or mawkish -- depending.
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Pickled Pigs' Trotters
Categories: Five, Oriental, Pork
Yield: 1 Recipe
2 Fresh pigs' trotters; and
- their shanks
1 tb Black soya beans
2 1/2 tb Vinegar
1 tb Sugar
2 oz Green ginger
Clean and chop the trotters into pieces about 2" square.
Deep-fry the trotters with green ginger in a saucepan
until they start to brown. Scald and crush the black
soya beans and add to trotters and stir well for 5
minutes, then add to trotters and stir well for 5
minutes, then add 4 cups of water and simmer for 2 1/2
hours. Then add vinegar with sugar and allow to simmer
for a further 10 minutes before serving.
Cucumber treated with vinegar and sugar can be placed in
the bottom of the bowl in which the trotters are served,
or chopped pickled onions or scallions.
NOTE: A dish from the Chinese hinterland, reputed to be
strengthening both for pre-natal and post-natal cases.
pub. Sydney, Australia, 1951.
From: Kevin JCJD Symons Date: 17 Dec 97
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded.
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