AN ACTUAL NEW THREAD: Pleaes, read it, think on it, & ,. most important
George Pope@1:153/757 to
All on Friday, April 22, 2022 12:24:20
Simple; take 5 minutes, or so, & spend it typing, or doing Dragon-Speak dictation on the topic du jour: WHAT IS GOD TO YOU?
Who is He (or She, or even It?) & why do you believe that? How did you first become acquainted with the concept. & how, later, did you become personally connected with Him?
Whart is God NOT, too?
Just freform your words & blat lot some topi8c fodder for others to sread & think about, or ereply to.
I ask, please, that everyone acts like an adult, & no flaming anyone, or hating on their positions.
"Loive your neighbour as yourself" -- pure genius! How can you know what is good for others? Easy: realize we're all a species in common, built similarly,
& experience hunger, tiredness, sickness. coldness, injustice. . .
Howwould YIOU want to be treated in any of those situations if it happened to you (walk that mile, or even five, in someone else's shoes/moccasins/boots/heels. . .
Uf we all did this, how soon before universal world peace was achieved & permanent? Also, seek to do good to others, help them with their critical & immediate needs, Do all you can, each day, to makethis world (beginning with your household, neighbourhood, city, county, state, country, & onward)
Cabn't change everyone(or anyone, some days) m ighnt aswell change youreslf.
This is why some hate the Bible -- it bids us to actually change ourselves to become better human citizens/neighbours/family. . .
Those who are happilyt carving out a profitable wide path of greed & gluttony certainly don't care tyo interrupyt & lose what they've been trained to believe is the ultimate goal.
Not realizing that those tuypes only get this one life, before being burned up (utterly destroyed, soul & body & mermory, & feelings. . .); most of you knowe, I think, that "Hell"/"Hades" was a metaphor dfor death & destruction.
To live on in eternal agony is being "alive" in some sense, but only those worthy, who find the right paths to living by love, live forever, in the new world we go to later (details are lacking, as they've been spoken of in metaphors & apocryphal style of writings(e.g. Daniel,. Revelations)); who knowes if there are other levels beyond that one?
I view life/lives like a video game -- you have to win the levels to advance rtot he nesxxt level/game.
This one is best won through devoting your life to love, however you get to that conclusion that it's important for YOU to do. I've no idea what the next ones involve -- because it's not open to me to see them yet; I'm still in this one--I can see &visit parts of the next, because it abuts our universe, in a sense. (more that it overlaps, I'd say, or more inhabits the same physical space as ours)
Ok, that's it from me. . .
Your turn; say SOMETHING., anything, on topic, & let's build conversations & get that iron whetting each other's iron(strengths & beliefs)
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)