And of course double-check the power really is out!
Well, when I cut the main breaker off, the whole building goes dark,
so.... <G>
While you're at at check to be sure you're using the correct breakers. BM> may be helpful.
My dad, the retired electrical engineer, is the one that added the extra electrical runs to the living room when we first moved in. Anyway, he
would know what's correct and not correct to use. So, I'm going on the assumption that the breaker in question is the correct one, just
possible going bad. What I'd probably do is pull the breaker out, and
take it to the local hardware store/electrical supply house. "Give me
one of these." <G>
-=> Carroll McAllister on 2/25/2010 at 4:27 PM <=-
Coming to you "almost live" from Searcy, Arkansas
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