• Old Stereos

    From CARROLL MCALLISTER@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Wednesday, March 03, 2010 09:03:00
    You might have a flashback if you were to visit the corner of my
    basement with the electronics stuff. :) ...How 'bout a tube checker
    in a wooden case?!

    There was a drug store in Jacksonville, Arkansas, that still had a tube
    tester back in the early to mid '90s. Now, what a drug store was doing
    with a tube checker, I don't remember, but they had one. <G>

    Some of the older electronics is worthwhile to play with if have some BM>knowledge in the area. Ages ago I fixed Dad's tube-type "FM Radio" just

    Why am I thinking of the old adage, "just enough knowledge to be
    dangerous"? <G>

    -=> Carroll McAllister on 3/3/2010 at 9:09 AM <=-

    Coming to you "almost live" from Searcy, Arkansas


    þ OLXWin 1.00b þ Genealogist never die, they just lose their census.
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to CARROLL MCALLISTER on Tuesday, March 02, 2010 08:23:00
    The 'volume control' -- well, the original ones -- is a device with a
    wire loop/spiral inside. Turning the control moves an arm which changes
    I'm a little bit familiar with the concept. And I mean a little
    bit. My dad had a tv repair shop when I was "but a wee lad". I
    don't remember much about those days, as I was a couple of years
    old then. But, he still had his tube caddy, and associated tools
    for working on all things electronic in the pre-solid state era.

    You might have a flashback if you were to visit the corner of my
    basement with the electronics stuff. :) ...How 'bout a tube checker
    in a wooden case?!

    OTOH if you're interested in 'playing' with the other parts it would
    present a cheap learning tool.
    I've already torn apart another receiver/stereo. It's the old
    one from the office that quit working. When you power this one
    up, the display shows an error message and then shuts down. I
    took it apart to see if I could find some sort of fuse/circuit
    breaker that needed to be reset/replaced, but couldn't see any
    obvious problems, and didn't see any breakers or fuses/fusible
    links that needed to be replaced. Given what a new basic
    receiver goes for nowadays, I didn't think it would be worth it
    to take this other one in and get it looked at. I may have it
    checked out, anyway.

    Some of the older electronics is worthwhile to play with if have some knowledge in the area. Ages ago I fixed Dad's tube-type "FM Radio" just
    by following the instructions in the service manual. My old stereo
    (used to supply background music while I'm on the computer) just needed
    a power transformer to get it going again. Lasted another 10-15 years
    before the power amp IC failed; determined it wasn't worth the work of adapting a replacement circuit (the direct replacement was no longer available).

    Yeah: after a while I forget what I did and end up retesting/repeating.
    Sometimes isn't a bad thing: discover you had forgotten to check a step
    and find the problem.
    Were you spying on me when I was working on the laptop
    cannibalization project?? <G>

    I'll neither confirm nor deny that question!

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @MSN.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... "Don't throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to CARROLL MCALLISTER on Thursday, March 04, 2010 16:56:00
    You might have a flashback if you were to visit the corner of my
    basement with the electronics stuff. :) ...How 'bout a tube checker
    in a wooden case?!
    There was a drug store in Jacksonville, Arkansas, that still had
    a tube tester back in the early to mid '90s. Now, what a drug
    store was doing with a tube checker, I don't remember, but they
    had one. <G>

    Wonder when was the last time it was used?! ...Somewhat makes sense to
    have a tube tester, especially if the sold tubes. (!)

    Some of the older electronics is worthwhile to play with if have some
    knowledge in the area. Ages ago I fixed Dad's tube-type "FM Radio" just
    Why am I thinking of the old adage, "just enough knowledge to be dangerous"? <G>

    I have no idea why that would come to your mind! <g> The good news is I
    did fix Dad's radio: worked for another year or so and then it started motorboating again ==> tube and/or other part went out of spec and could
    hear a putt-putt-putt as something started oscillating. tweak and
    twiddle: good for another year or so.

    ...This was also the stereo a filter cap failed and was dumping I don't
    know how much voltage: wire-wound resistor about 2" long and the
    diameter of a cigarette was glowinf red-hot! "You smell something
    'warm'?" "Yeah -- I don't know what it is though". Happened to come
    back into the room and have the angle just right and saw the resistor
    glowing through the air slots in the cover. The unit was playing music
    just fine!!

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @MSN.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... January 27,1888: National Geographic Society founded in Washington, D.C. --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From CARROLL MCALLISTER@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:23:00
    Wonder when was the last time it was used?! ...Somewhat makes sense to BM>have a tube tester, especially if the sold tubes. (!)

    I don't really know. I just know it was odd to see one, since most
    tube-based electronics had long been out of use (our organ at church
    being an exception - it's a 1961 model Hammond ExtraVoice organ.)

    I have no idea why that would come to your mind! <g> The good news is I

    Sure you don't. <G>

    -=> Carroll McAllister on 3/6/2010 at 11:24 AM <=-

    Coming to you "almost live" from Searcy, Arkansas


    þ OLXWin 1.00b þ !noitacidem deen uoy ,egassem siht daer nac uoy fI
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to CARROLL MCALLISTER on Sunday, March 07, 2010 18:14:00
    Wonder when was the last time it was used?! ...Somewhat makes sense to
    have a tube tester, especially if the sold tubes. (!)
    I don't really know. I just know it was odd to see one, since
    most tube-based electronics had long been out of use (our organ
    at church being an exception - it's a 1961 model Hammond
    ExtraVoice organ.)

    So when you folks talk about the warmth of the sound, is it from the
    mechanics of the tubes or the filaments?!

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @MSN.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... Don't stay up all night: it's harder to get up in the morning.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From CARROLL MCALLISTER@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Saturday, February 27, 2010 14:39:00
    breaker box for the building is, so it wouldn't be any trouble to
    shut it off there, before changing a breaker somewhere else.

    Just make sure you run your lights first -- gets dark with the power
    off! <g>

    That it does. <G>

    Montgomery Ward Catalog is still going, plus somehow they affiliated

    I wasn't aware of that.

    OK. If by "helped a tiny bit" the speaker came to life, then you found BM>the problem in the switch. And admittedly replacing the switch

    Actually, it helped "clean up" some of the noise I got when adjusting
    the volume, now that I think about it. I don't think it helped with the "channel problem".

    sometimes means disassembly of the almost the entire unit -- at this age BM>I don't think it's worth it!


    works in stereo -- if it does the problem is at that switch, and the
    easy fix is to move the speaker leads to that set of outputs.

    I'd tried that as well. Of course, it's been quite a while ago. I'll
    have to recheck it just to make sure what is well and truly

    -=> Carroll McAllister on 2/27/2010 at 2:41 PM <=-

    Coming to you "almost live" from Searcy, Arkansas


    þ OLXWin 1.00b þ "Love hurts" -- John Bobbitt
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to CARROLL MCALLISTER on Sunday, February 28, 2010 17:36:00
    Hi Carroll!

    OK. If by "helped a tiny bit" the speaker came to life, then you found
    the problem in the switch. And admittedly replacing the switch
    Actually, it helped "clean up" some of the noise I got when
    adjusting the volume, now that I think about it. I don't think
    it helped with the "channel problem".

    The 'volume control' -- well, the original ones -- is a device with a
    wire loop/spiral inside. Turning the control moves an arm which changes
    the position of the contact arm over the spiral. When the arm is closer
    to one end there is more resistance so less sound; at the opposite end
    there is less resistance and more sound. Dust gets inside and causes an irregular contact. ..I'm not sure if oxidation plays a part.

    sometimes means disassembly of the almost the entire unit -- at this age
    I don't think it's worth it!

    OTOH if you're interested in 'playing' with the other parts it would
    present a cheap learning tool.

    works in stereo -- if it does the problem is at that switch, and the
    easy fix is to move the speaker leads to that set of outputs.
    I'd tried that as well. Of course, it's been quite a while ago.
    I'll have to recheck it just to make sure what is well and truly dead/non-working.

    Yeah: after a while I forget what I did and end up retesting/repeating. Sometimes isn't a bad thing: discover you had forgotten to check a step
    and find the problem.

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @MSN.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... What is a computer virus? A terminal illness.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From CARROLL MCALLISTER@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Monday, March 01, 2010 11:01:00
    The 'volume control' -- well, the original ones -- is a device with a BM>wire loop/spiral inside. Turning the control moves an arm which changes

    I'm a little bit familiar with the concept. And I mean a little bit.
    My dad had a tv repair shop when I was "but a wee lad". I don't
    remember much about those days, as I was a couple of years old then.
    But, he still had his tube caddy, and associated tools for working on
    all things electronic in the pre-solid state era.

    there is less resistance and more sound. Dust gets inside and causes an BM>irregular contact. ..I'm not sure if oxidation plays a part.

    It wouldn't surprise me at all.

    OTOH if you're interested in 'playing' with the other parts it would BM>present a cheap learning tool.

    I've already torn apart another receiver/stereo. It's the old one from
    the office that quit working. When you power this one up, the display
    shows an error message and then shuts down. I took it apart to see if I
    could find some sort of fuse/circuit breaker that needed to be
    reset/replaced, but couldn't see any obvious problems, and didn't see
    any breakers or fuses/fusible links that needed to be replaced. Given
    what a new basic receiver goes for nowadays, I didn't think it would be
    worth it to take this other one in and get it looked at. I may have it
    checked out, anyway.

    Yeah: after a while I forget what I did and end up retesting/repeating. BM>Sometimes isn't a bad thing: discover you had forgotten to check a step BM>and find the problem.

    Were you spying on me when I was working on the laptop cannibalization project?? <G>

    -=> Carroll McAllister on 3/1/2010 at 11:08 AM <=-

    Coming to you "almost live" from Searcy, Arkansas


    þ OLXWin 1.00b þ !eiknuj erawtfos a si xoC divaD
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)