• Synchronizing laptops/des

    From CARROLL MCALLISTER@454:3/105 to ALL on Friday, April 02, 2010 10:43:00
    This is related somewhat to my previous message. I'm running Office
    2003 on my desktop at home as well as this laptop. I'm looking at
    various options for synching things like Outlook, documents, etc.,
    between the two systems. I'm also running Quicken on the desktop and on
    the laptop (I can install it on up to three systems.)

    Of course, I've heard of things like Microsoft's "Sync Toy", and
    remember the "Briefcase" from the Win 9x days.

    Right now, I'm trying Microsoft's Sync toy. I've got two different
    "jobs" set up with Sync Toy right now. One syncs the "My Pictures"
    folder on the desktop with the one on the laptop. This is more to have
    another backup of the images on my desktop. Boy, it sure takes a while
    to synchronize several GB of images between two systems over a 130mbps
    wireless connection! <G>

    Anyway, the other Sync job is for Quicken. I sync the Quicken data file directory on the laptop with the one on the desktop. That way, if I've
    updated the register in Quicken on the laptop, I can "sync it up" with
    the same folder on the desktop, ensuring both systems have the same data

    Of course, I also back up my Quicken data files to 250mb Zip disks each
    time I make any changes to Quicken. I've had an internal Zip drive on
    my desktop system for several years. Last week, I stumbled across a
    "steal of a deal" on a couple of USB-powered 250mb Zip drives, that came
    with 3 brand new Zip disks, each. Got one for $5 + tax, and the
    second one for $8 + tax (someone ran up the bid on the 2nd one - <G>)
    So, I've got a Zip drive for the laptop, and an extra one for use at
    home. And yes, I know, flash drives would be a more portable, higher
    capacity option, but the Zip disks have been working pretty well for me
    for a few years, so I'm continuing to use them.

    I know, the paragraph above about the Zip drives doesn't really have
    anything to do with the subject of this message. I've just been wanting
    to brag about the deal I got on the Zip drives, and threw that in. <G>

    Seriously though, is Microsoft's Sync toy the best option for two
    systems running XP Pro? Or have one of you folks here found something
    that works better/easier/faster?

    Any and all comments, suggestions, etc., are appreciated.

    -=> Carroll McAllister on 4/2/2010 at 11:58 AM <=-

    Coming to you "almost live" from Searcy, Arkansas


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