• Old Age

    From GREGG HOMMEL@454:3/105 to CARROLL MCALLISTER on Friday, March 19, 2010 19:37:00

    If I were still in the USAF and had daughters, I could tell potential suitors I had access to a GAU-8 gatling gun that fired 30mm armor/armour piercing/high explosive incendiary shells at the rate of 70 rounds per second. Oh, and did I mention this gun had wings? <G>

    And did I mention that any of your imaginary "daughters"' suitors whom
    you told this to had wings, too... on their feet as they levitated away
    from your place? <GG>

    Gee, for some odd reason, none of my daughters' boyfriends seemed to GH>feel this way <GG>

    I wonder why? <G>

    I do too... I mean, I have such an honest, trustworthy face... <GG>

    Gregg in Kitchener, ON on 03/19/2010 at 20:36

    þ MM 1.1 þ I'm a psychic amnesiac. I know in advance what I'll forget.
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From GREGG HOMMEL@454:3/105 to DOUG POWLESS on Friday, March 19, 2010 20:29:00

    For some reason (she says) this made him *very* *very* nervous. Not
    sure why. *evil laughter*

    My youngest had a boyfriend recently who needed a ride. She said I
    could pick him up, but he wasn't sure. Apparently, he was afraid of me. She told him he had no reason to be, that I didn't bite (hard), so we went
    to get them. As we got to his place, he was standing at the foot of the drive... so I proceeded to aim the van at him. <G> For some reason, he
    hasn't asked for a ride since <GG>

    If you've ever seen the movie "Uncle Buck" when Buck dealt with the
    idiot boyfriend - well that was sort of my mindset at the time.

    At the time, or always? <GG>

    Gregg in Kitchener, ON on 03/19/2010 at 20:38

    þ MM 1.1 #0366 þ Death is nature's way of telling you to slow down.
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From DOUG POWLESS@454:3/105 to GREGG HOMMEL on Monday, March 22, 2010 19:34:00
    For some reason (she says) this made him *very* *very* nervous. Not sure why. *evil laughter*

    My youngest had a boyfriend recently who needed a ride. She said I
    could pick him up, but he wasn't sure. Apparently, he was afraid of me.
    told him he had no reason to be, that I didn't bite (hard), so we went
    to get them. As we got to his place, he was standing at the foot of the drive... so I proceeded to aim the van at him. <G> For some reason, he hasn't asked for a ride since <GG>

    I don't understand why. I mean it was obvious your steering wheel got
    away from you, and your foot accidentally hit the gas pedal too hard.
    Totally understandble.

    If you've ever seen the movie "Uncle Buck" when Buck dealt with the idiot boyfriend - well that was sort of my mindset at the time.

    At the time, or always? <GG>

    No. She's a big girl and has shown me that she knows very well how to
    take of herself. I really don't worry that much anymore.

    My only problem is that she's way out west and I'm here. And that I
    miss her.
    þ MM 1.1 #0366 þ
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From GREGG HOMMEL@454:3/105 to DOUG POWLESS on Saturday, April 10, 2010 17:36:00

    to get them. As we got to his place, he was standing at the foot of
    drive... so I proceeded to aim the van at him. <G> For some reason, he hasn't asked for a ride since <GG>

    I don't understand why. I mean it was obvious your steering wheel got
    away from you, and your foot accidentally hit the gas pedal too hard. Totally understandble.

    See? You understand. And without even knowing him <GG>

    My only problem is that she's way out west and I'm here. And that I
    miss her.

    So go visit! Do it while you can, sir. I have found out the hard way
    what that means... do it, while you are able to...

    Gregg in Kitchener, ON on 04/10/2010 at 18:35

    þ MM 1.1 #0366 þ 668...the Neighbor of the Beast
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From DOUG POWLESS@454:3/105 to GREGG HOMMEL on Monday, April 12, 2010 11:03:00
    to get them. As we got to his place, he was standing at the foot of
    drive... so I proceeded to aim the van at him. <G> For some
    reason, he
    hasn't asked for a ride since <GG>

    I don't understand why. I mean it was obvious your steering wheel got away from you, and your foot accidentally hit the gas pedal too hard. Totally understandble.

    See? You understand. And without even knowing him <GG>

    Every father understands. It's in our DNA.

    My only problem is that she's way out west and I'm here. And that I miss her.

    So go visit! Do it while you can, sir. I have found out the hard way
    what that means... do it, while you are able to...

    I certainly will. Can't NOT go, you know?
    þ MM 1.1 #0366 þ
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From CARROLL MCALLISTER@454:3/105 to GREGG HOMMEL on Tuesday, March 02, 2010 19:18:00
    Leave it to you to remind me of my own words. <G>

    I must, perforce, ensure that everything said is technically correct. GH><GG>

    Technically, of course. <G>

    Plus the fact that he soon became a grandfather after the wedding. <G>

    Boy, they really did it to him all at once, didn't they? <GG>

    Pretty much.

    One time, he was talking to one of his youngest daughter's boyfriends.
    He told the young man: "Son, you can go out with my daughter. But, if
    you hurt her, I have a gun in my closet and I know how to use it!"

    The poor fellow told my sister-in-law, "I think he means it!" <G>

    -=> Carroll McAllister on 3/2/2010 at 7:20 PM <=-

    Coming to you "almost live" from Searcy, Arkansas


    þ OLXWin 1.00b þ "Major, I just love a woman in uniform!" -- Quark
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From GREGG HOMMEL@454:3/105 to CARROLL MCALLISTER on Tuesday, March 02, 2010 15:27:00

    Which still points toward you. I've seen your photo, remember? GH>No... you have seen a photo purporting to be me... <GG>

    Leave it to you to remind me of my own words. <G>

    I must, perforce, ensure that everything said is technically correct.

    That bugged my brother, for some reason. <G>
    Gee... I have no idea why? <GG>

    Plus the fact that he soon became a grandfather after the wedding. <G>

    Boy, they really did it to him all at once, didn't they? <GG>

    Gregg in Kitchener, ON on 03/02/2010 at 15:26

    þ MM 1.1 #0366 þ #@$ffwe99fjaljk ... Hey! Get the cat off the keyboard!
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From GREGG HOMMEL@454:3/105 to CARROLL MCALLISTER on Wednesday, March 03, 2010 20:51:00

    Boy, they really did it to him all at once, didn't they? <GG>

    Pretty much.

    One time, he was talking to one of his youngest daughter's boyfriends.
    He told the young man: "Son, you can go out with my daughter. But, if
    you hurt her, I have a gun in my closet and I know how to use it!"

    I used to tell them that I had access to a 105 mm. howitzer... <G>

    The poor fellow told my sister-in-law, "I think he means it!" <G>

    Gee, for some odd reason, none of my daughters' boyfriends seemed to
    feel this way <GG>

    Gregg in Kitchener, ON on 03/03/2010 at 20:50

    þ MM 1.1 #0366 þ Socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From CARROLL MCALLISTER@454:3/105 to GREGG HOMMEL on Thursday, March 04, 2010 20:51:00
    you hurt her, I have a gun in my closet and I know how to use it!"

    I used to tell them that I had access to a 105 mm. howitzer... <G>

    If I were still in the USAF and had daughters, I could tell potential
    suitors I had access to a GAU-8 gatling gun that fired 30mm armor/armour piercing/high explosive incendiary shells at the rate of 70 rounds per
    second. Oh, and did I mention this gun had wings? <G>

    The poor fellow told my sister-in-law, "I think he means it!" <G>

    Gee, for some odd reason, none of my daughters' boyfriends seemed to
    feel this way <GG>

    I wonder why? <G>

    -=> Carroll McAllister on 3/4/2010 at 8:53 PM <=-

    Coming to you "almost live" from Searcy, Arkansas


    þ OLXWin 1.00b þ !drawkcab ni deggulp draobyek ym tog ev'I kniht I
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From DOUG POWLESS@454:3/105 to CARROLL MCALLISTER on Monday, March 08, 2010 15:12:00
    One time, he was talking to one of his youngest daughter's boyfriends.
    He told the young man: "Son, you can go out with my daughter. But, if
    you hurt her, I have a gun in my closet and I know how to use it!"

    The poor fellow told my sister-in-law, "I think he means it!" <G>


    Those of us who have daughters all know that yes, he was being serious.
    þ MM 1.1 #0366 þ
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From DOUG POWLESS@454:3/105 to GREGG HOMMEL on Monday, March 08, 2010 15:14:00
    One time, he was talking to one of his youngest daughter's boyfriends. He told the young man: "Son, you can go out with my daughter. But,
    you hurt her, I have a gun in my closet and I know how to use it!"

    I used to tell them that I had access to a 105 mm. howitzer... <G>

    The poor fellow told my sister-in-law, "I think he means it!" <G>

    Gee, for some odd reason, none of my daughters' boyfriends seemed to
    feel this way <GG>

    My daughter had her first serious boyfriend, I mentioned to her that I
    wanted a chance to talk with him.

    For some reason (she says) this made him *very* *very* nervous. Not
    sure why. *evil laughter*

    If you've ever seen the movie "Uncle Buck" when Buck dealt with the
    idiot boyfriend - well that was sort of my mindset at the time.
    þ MM 1.1 #0366 þ
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From CARROLL MCALLISTER@454:3/105 to GREGG HOMMEL on Saturday, February 27, 2010 18:34:00
    Which still points toward you. I've seen your photo, remember?

    No... you have seen a photo purporting to be me... <GG>

    Leave it to you to remind me of my own words. <G>

    That bugged my brother, for some reason. <G>

    Gee... I have no idea why? <GG>

    Plus the fact that he soon became a grandfather after the wedding. <G>

    -=> Carroll McAllister on 2/27/2010 at 6:35 PM <=-

    Coming to you "almost live" from Searcy, Arkansas


    þ OLXWin 1.00b þ "Could you continue your petty bickering? I find it most int
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)