Subject: Memory issue with Vista (1/2)
Hi Phillip!
I am running some real dos applications dated back from 1990 and
its running under vista. The machine has 4 gb of memory and the application is running under a msdos window.
The problem is that when it tries to shell out I am having a
issue with the machine running out of memory. I already tried to
adjust the memory settings in the pif file and that did not
resolve the issue.
First, I'm running some DOS app's under XP so what I'm saying may not
apply under Vista.
Try running the DOS apps under CMD.RXE rather than COMMAND,COM
There are no statements included in the autoexec.bat and the only statement in the config.sys is files=40.
Slip of the finger? Should be AUTOEXEC.NT and CONFIG.NT.
Added parts to CONFIG.NT here:
dos=high, umb
rem added 082606 to view ANSI
device="C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\aswmonds.sys"
(And yes, it uses REM rather than the old semi-colon.)
I don't think anything has been added to AUTOEXEC.NT but will post the
relevant portions:
REM Install CD ROM extensions
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe
REM Install network redirector (load before dosx.exe)
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\redir
REM Install DPMI support
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx
REM The following line enables Sound Blaster 2.0 support on NTVDM.
<snip their instructino section>
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330 T3
REM DOSKEY needs CMD. Rem'd line may work
rem c:\windows\system32\doskey.exe
rem c:\windows\system32\cmd doskey.exe
I think the last three lines re: DOSKEY were notes to myself. As for
the REM, in true MS-DOS REM'd lines were read and then discarded, or
more accurately partially discarded: seems there were command separators
which were valid in DOS but when the line was prefaces with REM would
cause the first part to be ignored but the part(s) following the
separator would be run.
As for DOSKEY, it is running here. Off hand don't recall where it is
loaded but when I loaded it in AUTOEXEC.NT it was loaded twice.
Conventional Memory :
Name Size in Decimal Size in Hex
------------- --------------------- -------------
MSDOS 12592 ( 12.3K) 3130
KBD 3360 ( 3.3K) D20
HIMEM 1248 ( 1.2K) 4E0
MOUSE 12528 ( 12.2K) 30F0
COMMAND 4112 ( 4.0K) 1010
PCBOARD 35792 ( 35.0K) 8BD0
MSCDEXNT 352 ( 0.3K) 160
REDIR 2176 ( 2.1K) 880
DOSX 34832 ( 34.0K) 8810
COMMAND 5376 ( 5.3K) 1500
FREE 112 ( 0.1K) 70
FREE 542528 (529.8K) 84740
Total FREE : 542640 (529.9K)
Total bytes available to programs :
542640 (529.9K)Largest executable program size :
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