• Batch File Renaming

    From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to RALPH O'ROURKE on Thursday, March 11, 2010 08:24:00
    Hi Ralph!

    I would like to batch rename all these files to NYWS -

    There is a utility called "Flash Renamer" which may be applicable. I
    have it here but haven't used it. (Think it was a 'Give Away of the
    Day' offer that looked interesting.)

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @MSN.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... The command line may become propietary, but it won't go away.
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  • From RALPH O'ROURKE@454:3/105 to ALL on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 19:41:00
    I have a group of files I would like to rename. These files all
    start with the words "New Yankee Workshop", then the name of the
    specific video. For instance, filename1.avi might be "New Yankee Workshop
    - Building Widgets.avi". Filename2 might be "New Yankee Workshop -
    Using Routers.avi".

    I would like to batch rename all these files to NYWS - xxxxxx.avi.

    Previously in DOS, I would just call REN New Yankee Workshop*.*
    NYWS*.* and filename1 would change to "NYWS - Building widgets.avi".
    I am familiar with the Windows XP method of renaming where you
    highlight all files and type the new name on one of these files.
    But by using this method, I would get NYWS.avi, NYWS(1).avi, NYWS(2).avi.....etc.. This won't work cuz each avi is named to the
    specific project similar to the above example.

    Is there any way to do this?
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

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  • From LEE GREEN@454:3/105 to RALPH O'ROURKE on Thursday, March 11, 2010 20:04:00

    Hope you are looking for a Windows solution and not DOS.

    Download this program 14aren.zip from Techware.

    It might take two passes as the program sticks a # in it for some reason where the - is, the second pass was to replace the "#" with "-"

    Program doesn't like spaces at the end or it won't change filename properly.

    Files BEFORE:

    03/11/2010 06:59 PM <DIR> .
    03/11/2010 06:59 PM <DIR> ..
    01/27/2010 05:21 PM 69,464 new yankee workshop - building widgets.avi
    01/27/2010 05:21 PM 69,464 new yankee workshop - using routers.avi

    01/10/2001 12:55 AM 681,472 rename.exe
    3 File(s) 820,400 bytes
    2 Dir(s) 52,380,848,128 bytes free

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

    03/11/2010 07:28 PM <DIR> .
    03/11/2010 07:28 PM <DIR> ..
    01/27/2010 05:21 PM 69,464 NYWS#building widgets.avi
    01/27/2010 05:21 PM 69,464 NYWS#using routers.avi
    01/10/2001 12:55 AM 681,472 rename.exe
    3 File(s) 820,400 bytes
    2 Dir(s) 52,380,184,576 bytes free ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------

    03/11/2010 07:48 PM <DIR> .
    03/11/2010 07:48 PM <DIR> ..
    01/27/2010 05:21 PM 69,464 nyws - building widgets.avi
    01/27/2010 05:21 PM 69,464 nyws - using routers.avi
    01/10/2001 12:55 AM 681,472 rename.exe
    3 File(s) 820,400 bytes
    2 Dir(s) 52,372,623,360 bytes free ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------

    I didn't have any luck from command line I ended up with something like nyws - nkee workshop - building widgets.avi

    I have a group of files I would like to rename. These files all
    start with the words "New Yankee Workshop", then the name of the
    specific video. For instance, filename1.avi might be "New Yankee Workshop
    - Building Widgets.avi". Filename2 might be "New Yankee Workshop -
    Using Routers.avi".

    I would like to batch rename all these files to NYWS - xxxxxx.avi.

    Previously in DOS, I would just call REN New Yankee Workshop*.*
    NYWS*.* and filename1 would change to "NYWS - Building widgets.avi".
    I am familiar with the Windows XP method of renaming where you
    highlight all files and type the new name on one of these files.
    But by using this method, I would get NYWS.avi, NYWS(1).avi, ->NYWS(2).avi.....etc.. This won't work cuz each avi is named to the
    specific project similar to the above example.

    Is there any way to do this?

    ...I tried switching to gum but I couldn't keep it lit.
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    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

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