• Re: Windows 9x + USB Supp

    From Ky Moffet@454:1/1 to Ed Vance on Saturday, November 30, 2024 08:22:00
    ED VANCE wrote:

    W98SE and ME both were nice OSs.

    I never used SE, but one of mine ran ME for two years. It was really
    unstable out of the box, but I appled 98Lite and disabled System Restore
    (then really buggy) and it never crashed again.

    The problem was ME had more limitations than SE (the underlying DOS was
    still there, but not normally accessible, and could not use any memory manager) but all the same issues with running out of resources if you
    ran 4 or 5 programs at once. However, it was better at recovering those resources once you closed down the program, so the heaps didn't get
    depleted over time as they did with 9x.

    XP fixed all the issues in older Windows without breaking anything significant. THAT is how to design an OS!

    Here at home I had Win 3.1/MS-DOS 5.0 & IBM-DOS 7.0 on the 486 Desktop before getting the XP Desktop.

    LOL, I was still using 3.1 til the XP era too. Mine never crashed, not once.

    Had Win95 on a Notebook to see what 95 was all about, now have Vista on a notebook.

    I have Vista on an old PC, cuz it came with it.
    Weirdly, 32bit Vista on that not-very-good PC is okay.
    64bit Vista on a 4x faster PC was a slug, and was replaced with Win7.
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